Maryland Coalition for Life is reporting that yet another emergency has occurred at Leroy Carhart’s late-term abortion facility. This time, the patient sent to the hospital by ambulance was an underage girl.
[She is] the fourth woman in four consecutive months to be transported by ambulance due to medical emergencies related to a late term abortion. According to eye witnesses, at 6:04 pm an ambulance transported an underage girl to Shady Grove Adventist Hospital after starting an abortion procedure earlier that afternoon.
Maryland Coalition for Life explains further:
Executive Director of Maryland Coalition for Life, Andrew Glenn states: “With this many medical emergencies happening so close together, the Board needs to immediately suspend LeRoy Carhart’s license while these unfortunate incidents are fully investigated. There have been 7 documented injuries and 1 death here in Germantown and 5 other serious cases from his Nebraska office. This man is a danger to women, and it is the responsibility of the State authorities to thoroughly examine the competency of this out of state doctor who is nearly 75 years old.”
Germantown Pregnancy Choices will be filing a formal complaint to the Maryland Board of Physicians today to report the medical emergencies that occurred during the last four months. …
Germantown Pregnancy Choices is an office providing resources and referrals for women in crisis pregnancies. It is located directly across the parking lot from Carhart’s office…301-916-5433.
Leroy Carhart has been under deep scrutiny for years, due to his dangerous and illegal practices.
In late 2013, a Live Action undercover investigation into Carhart revealed that he considers the most recent death of his patient, Jennifer Morbelli, merely “coincidental,” even though the coroner determined that her death was caused by the late-term abortion Carhart committed. Carhart has been entirely unwilling to accept responsibility for the great – and sometimes – fatal harm he causes to women.
Carhart also blatantly lied to the Live Action investigator (who was posing as a possible late-term abortion client): “I’ve never had to send anyone to the hospital.”
Full footage of the Carhart investigation is available here. Also in 2013, Jill Stanek reported:
A few days later came the revelation that among illegally dumped biohazardous waste, syringes, meds, and private patient information gleaned by pro-lifers from Carhart’s trash between August 2011 and May 2012 were Carhart’s instruction to patients not to go to the emergency room if experiencing complications but instead to call one of three staff numbers:
It turns out the number to “Mary,” Carhart’s wife, is the same number as the 24-hour hotline number to Carhart’s horse equipment business:
Stanek, a nurse, was also shocked by the lack of factual, medical information Carhart provided to the women who came to him.
Carhart has made his abortion facility into a business that benefits him, rather than a place that takes care of women in dire circumstances. This reality is unsurprising, however, when Carhart’s descriptions of the babies he regularly aborts are considered. As a Live Action article reported:
In a highly disturbing analogy, Carhart attempts to explain to the woman why her baby will typically come out of her body easily – after sitting dead in her womb for a couple days during the abortion process:
“So it’s like putting meat in a Crock-pot, OK, it doesn’t get, it doesn’t get broke, but it just gets softer…”
The conversation continued:
Woman: -for some reason, I’m not able to deliver, you’ll be able to get it out–
Dr. Carhart: We’d take it out in pieces.
Woman: –in pieces.
Dr. Carhart: But that, but that at 26 weeks is very, very rare.
Woman: What do you use to break it up? Just-
Dr. Carhart: A whole bunch of, you know-
Woman: (Laughs) You’ve got a toolkit.
Dr. Carhart: A pickaxe, a drill bit, yeah (laughs).
Woman: I see. OK.
Dr. Carhart: No, there’s all, there’s just instruments that have been developed
Further proof that Carhart would rather run a profitable business than follow any laws or ethical considerations lies in the fact that he offers to begin abortions at women’s homes, specifically when their states outlaw abortion at such a late stage of pregnancy. “After Tiller,” a film that praised Carhart and other late-term abortionists showed a price sheet from one of the late-term facilities. The price sheet listed $30,000 as the price for a late-term abortion.
As far back as 2009, whistleblowers at Carhart’s clinic were exposing his illegal methods. One – who was fired – “confirmed that she frequently administered medication intravenously although she wasn’t a certified LPN.” Two others admitted that they “started IVs for him even though they are not registered nurses or certified licensed practical nurses, as required by state law.”
Former employees of Carhart also revealed that abortions were committed at his clinics without the required licensing. There were reports of “incidents where Carhart falsified the gestational age of viable babies in order to circumvent the law” and commit abortions on babies who were past the legal limit and likely could have survived on their own outside the womb.
To find out more about the dangerous activities of late-term abortionist Leroy Carhart, check out this fact sheet and these reports of medical emergencies at Carhart’s facilities.