A recently published March of Dimes report found that 36% of all US counties are “maternity care deserts.” The organization reported that...
A new bill introduced in the House of Representatives would install a federal bureaucrat to promote access to abortion, as well as...
Abortion supporter and Supreme Court reporter Dahlia Lithwick laments in her new book that freedom and equality have seen better days in...
A new study from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) claims to verify that “no-test,” self-managed chemical abortions are safe and...
A newly updated version of the 2020 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices from the State Department, more familiarly known as the...
According to C-Fam, abortionists are claiming that climate change negatively impacts the ability of a woman to access abortion. As a result,...
A researcher with deep connections to the abortion industry recently published an opinion piece in Scientific American, where she made an unchallenged and false claim...
While abortion is increasingly portrayed in American TV shows and movies, some are calling for more minority women in those portrayals, and...
If there’s one thing abortion advocates like even better than pretending to be heroes, it’s pretending to be victims. NPR’s Carrie Feibel...
Will abortion supporters ever come to terms with the fact that they’re the only ones who think abortion is synonymous with “medical care”?...
The abortionistas at University of California-Berkeley have really outdone themselves this time: the student senate is demanding the school provide on-campus abortion,...
Declaring that the nation’s Liberal government “firmly supports a woman’s right to choose,” Canadian Health Minister Jane Philpott has pledged to pursue...
… [F]or the most part, the new antiabortion laws do not challenge the idea that women have abortion rights. Instead, the movement...