If there’s one thing abortion advocates like even better than pretending to be heroes, it’s pretending to be victims. NPR’s Carrie Feibel partakes in that pastime today with a one-sided report on the difficulty of training to perform abortions in Texas:
Medical residents can opt out of abortion training for religious or moral reasons, but Jane felt a professional obligation to learn the procedure.
“This is part of ob-gyn — it’s not an optional part, per se,” Jane said. “Women can choose if they want an abortion or not, but you as their doctor need to be able to provide them with all the choices available.”
“Not an optional part”? Yet again, we see that “pro-choice” isn’t really that pro-choice. Keep in mind the ob-gyn comment; the article is going to contradict it in a bit:
Jane spent that morning performing ultrasounds on pregnant women, working alongside a senior doctor who supervised.
Together, the two women examined a printout from a fetal ultrasound, and the senior doctor offered some feedback.
“On this image here, you want it more of a plane, as if you were opening it like this, so that you have the hypothalamus in your picture,” the senior doctor advised Jane. “That’s going to give you a better measurement.”
Looking at a child to determine how best to kill him or her, as if that’s perfectly normal. Nope, no story here!
Doctors do ultrasounds before abortions in order to date the pregnancy, which helps determine which technique will be used to terminate it. In some states — including Texas — an ultrasound is also mandated by state law.
NPR has done a lot of pieces on mandatory ultrasound laws, yet this doesn’t set off any light bulbs that maybe those laws aren’t so crazy if abortionists already have and use the machines anyway. Good to know our tax dollars are helping finance such on-the-ball journalism.
“Some of them want very much to be able to train residents,” [University of California medical sociologist Carole Joffe] said. “But they are fearful of the other sectors of the university coming down on them and saying, ‘You’re threatening our funding.'”
Feibel fails to mention that Joffe is an extreme pro-abortion advocate, not an impartial medical figure speaking solely from professional experience, so of course she wouldn’t challenge the premise that it’s a bad thing to make “don’t teach people to kill children” a condition of getting the taxpayers’ money.
It’s understandable why an OB-GYN resident in Texas might think twice about providing abortions. Doctors who provide the service must think about security issues for themselves and their staff. They also have to deal with the scrutiny of state inspectors as well as anti-abortion protesters.
Yes, one murder in seventeen years is quite the epidemic. And to suggest we should feel sorry for medical professionals because the authorities inspect them has to be a new low in the annals of the lapdog media.
Surveys and other research show that doctors who do abortions may have fewer job opportunities. That’s because many hospitals and group practices refuse to employ doctors who do abortions, even if they do so during evenings or weekends, on their own time […] To find out how much abortion training was going on, I contacted all 18 OB-GYN residency programs in Texas. Although abortion is legal, and these programs are expected to provide some access to abortion training, my queries were frequently met with fear, evasion, or even outright hostility […] In the end, I could only confirm that three out of the 18 programs in Texas had made arrangements for residents to spend time learning at an outpatient family-planning clinic.
How can that be? Jane reassured us that abortion was an inherent part of being an ob-gyn! So why would their colleagues shun them? I’m noticing a pattern here…
Most of his residents don’t seem bothered by the situation, [University of Texas Medical Branch residency director Dr. Tony] Wen said.
“If this part of the training is very important to them, more likely they will probably rank and choose another residency program to go to, instead of come to Texas,” he said.
Wait. After all this handwringing, we get an admission that the difficulty is a non-issue, because med students looking to get into the abortion business wouldn’t bother studying in Texas in the first place?
Then what was the point of the article?!
No, “it denies women abortion access” isn’t an answer. That’s going down because demand for abortion is going down and Texas abortion facilities are choosing not to comply with basic health and safety standards. Digging into those realities would make for a much more valuable report than the millionth “abortionists have it so rough” sob story.