This article is Part Two of a series. Read Part One here, and parts Three and Four.
Advocates For Youth (AFY) — the Planned Parenthood-backed organization behind the youth sex-ed website AMAZE and the comprehensive K-12 sex-ed curriculum being used in over 100 school districts nationwide — has an extreme pro-contraception and pro-abortion agenda, as shown in part one of this series. This agenda is intrinsic to the content offered by both platforms, which is designed to manipulate the minds and influence the behavior of the children who consume it.
WARNING: Some images below are graphic in nature.
Explicit Vids for Pornified Kids
AMAZE and its subsidiary site, AMAZE Jr., primarily exist to promote sex to children. They portray sexual activity as not only normal for children ages four and up, but incredibly fun, while painting abstinence as a joyless aberration in the wonder-filled world of casual sex. Contraception and abortion are portrayed as natural, necessary companions on a rollicking, promiscuous adventure.
The process begins on the AMAZE Jr. site, with content aimed at audiences aged 4-9 that:
- Normalizes sexual behavior with adults. In Help Kids Learn About Their Bodies, for example, an adult female tells a juvenile boy and girl to take a bath (together). The boy reacts by saying, “Don’t look, I’m a boy!” The woman replies, “If you feel shy about it, we can play a game!” The game involves touching and asking questions about both the children’s genitals and the adult’s breasts.
Playing “games” involving intimate touching is a common grooming tactic used by pedophiles.
- Shows explicit, detailed images of genitalia, making sure to note that some areas are “sensitive.”

AMAZE, Jr. video screenshot (meant for ages 4-9)
- Promotes and normalizes masturbation … so long as it’s private. In one video the adult assures the kids: “Yes, it’s okay to touch your clitoris. Keith, it’s okay to touch your penis. … But it’s best to only do it in private.” Another video sends the same message.

Screenshot, AMAZE Jr. video for ages 4-9
- Normalizes exposing very young children to sexually explicit content — provided it meets AMAZE/AFY’s criteria for “inclusivity” and “realism.” In “How Can I Teach My Kids My Values?” a parent expresses concern that their child will “see sexy lady and macho men stereotypes.” The “expert” replies that “the problem … isn’t that kids are being exposed to sexuality, it’s that they’re learning about it in the wrong way.”
Kids raised on an AMAZE Jr. diet will be primed to devour the fare offered by the main AMAZE site, which is targeted at kids 10+. It propels kids further along a hyper-sexualized trajectory, with content that:
- Continues to promote masturbation: “Masturbation can be a way to relieve stress, or learn about yourself, your body, and your feelings…. Masturbation, even a few times a day, does not present a problem.”
- Directly encourages sex — the only prerequisite is that “both [people] consent and there is good communication about protection.” They pay lip service to “waiting until you’re ready”— but this scowling marshmallow is how they portray someone who chooses abstinence:

Screenshot, Amaze video, targeted to children 10+

Screenshot, Amaze video, targeted to children 10+
Meanwhile, broadly grinning, joyous cartoon characters are portrayed having eager sex as hearts explode in the air around them, and the video “So You Think You’re Pregnant” directly states: “Sex can, and should, feel good both physically and emotionally.”

Amaze curriculum, targeted to children 10+
It’s clear which path is being promoted.
- Sanitizes pornography and normalizes consumption of sexually explicit material … in part by being sexually explicit. “Looking at pictures or film of naked bodies or people engaging in sexual behaviors is perfectly normal,” says one video. Indeed, AMAZE’s only problem with porn is that it is “unrealistic” and reinforces stereotypes. AMAZE even encourages parents to recommend so-called “ethical porn” to older kids.

Amaze curriculum, targeted to children 10+ (edited by Live Action News for pornographic content)
- Overtly states that children are capable of giving consent, and even capable of consenting to sex with adults. “Understanding Sexual Consent and the Law,” states that if a minor has sex with an adult, the adult could be charged with statutory rape, “even if the younger person consented to sexual contact.”
Pushing Contraception
AMAZE doesn’t push kids down the path of promiscuity alone, however. They make sure kids are very well-informed of and positively disposed toward two pet issues AFY vigorously promotes: contraception and abortion.
Contraception is portrayed as effective, necessary, even fun. “Tips for Safer Sex and Pregnancy Prevention” portrays various hormonal methods as veritable superheroes, guarding the uterus, battling sperm, and radiating hormones in invisible waves:

AMAZE screenshot

AMAZE screenshot

AMAZE screenshot
“The Contraceptinator” features a robot sent back in time (exactly nine months) to give condoms to a young couple in order to prevent “something that would complicate the rest of their lives.” It graphically portrays how to use condoms:

AMAZE screenshot
There are a total of eight AMAZE videos specifically on contraception, out of 19 in the “Pregnancy & Reproduction” category; virtually all others also strongly recommend birth control. Several specifically tell children to get it from Planned Parenthood:

AMAZE screenshot promoting PP

AMAZE screenshot promoting PP
The risks and side effects of hormonal contraception are never mentioned — indeed, nothing even remotely negative is ever said. Only as a passing afterthought is it mentioned that contraception can fail. And, at any rate, they have a solution for that…
Whitewashing Abortion
AMAZE has only one video directly addressing abortion, though it’s mentioned in others. “What is an Abortion?” presents misleading, oversimplified information and the standard pro-abortion propaganda, like: “Only the person who is pregnant knows what’s best.” The typical reasons are given to justify abortion: incomplete education, financial unpreparedness, unwantedness of the child, and fetal abnormalities. The fact that a unique human being is killed is never mentioned, and the preborn child is referred to as a “pregnancy” — a process, not a person — until after birth.
The video assures kids that “Abortion is a very safe medical procedure.” The myriad of risks and consequences are not mentioned. Aspiration abortions are described as utilizing “gentle suction,” and resulting in pain akin to mere “heavy menstrual cramps.” Many women who have actually had this procedure, however, relate much different descriptions: “What I felt was intense pain and as though not only my baby but also my soul was being suctioned out.”
So-called “medication abortions” are likewise described as feeling “like a really heavy, crampy period.” The fact that the mother may see her dead baby in the toilet, or that she might bleed so much that her bathroom looks “like a slaughterhouse” is omitted entirely.
The horrifying dismemberment or “dilation & evacuation” abortion method is not mentioned — nor is any late-term “procedure.”
However, they do warn girls about “fake clinics” — repeatedly:

AMAZE screenshot portraying pregnancy centers as “fake clinics”
Some people feel so strongly about people not having abortions that there are places called Crisis Pregnancy Centers that are fake clinics that exist only to try to talk a person out of having an abortion. They look and sound like real abortion clinics, so make sure you ask if they provide the services you need and want before you go to one of these fake clinics by mistake.
“What is an Abortion?” ends by stating, “While some people don’t believe in abortion, others believe a pregnant person should be able to have an abortion and not be judged by others. After all, every person should be able to decide what’s best for themselves, their family [but not the preborn members], and their future.”
Comprehensively Offensive
AFY’s comprehensive K-12 curriculum is essentially AMAZE in lesson-plan form. The goals and concepts presented are completely analogous. There are lessons on sexual orientation for 5th graders (10-year-olds), for whom there is also a lesson wherein children color detailed pictures of male and female genitalia. Abortion, meanwhile, is promoted to 7th-graders:

AMAZE lesson plan screenshot
Also for 7th-graders (12-year-olds):

Screenshot, AMAZE lesson plan
Things only get worse as the grade level increases. For 10th-graders (15-year-olds):

AMAZE lesson plan screenshot
This lesson is accompanied by a quiz:

AMAZE quiz
You can surely guess what the “correct” answers are. Lastly, this is also for 10th-graders:

AMAZE lesson plan screenshot
Clearly, AMAZE and AFY intend to normalize abortion and glamorize sex — especially casual, “no-strings” sex — in the minds of your children, all while selling them contraception. But why?
That question will be addressed in the next installment of this series.
Read Part One of this series here.
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