There have been numerous attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers and organizations since the leaked Supreme Court opinion May, indicating the likely reversal of Roe v. Wade. But despite multiple serious incidents, neither the Department of Justice (DOJ) nor the FBI has indicated they have any suspects under investigation.
In Michigan on September 20, a pro-life canvasser was shot in the back while distributing pamphlets against Proposition 3, which would make abortion a right within the state constitution, Live Action News reported. The elderly Right to Life of Michigan volunteer was shot from behind as she walked away from a residence and was approaching her vehicle. According to a local news report from WZZM13, the pro-life shooting victim is recovering and says she is in good spirits. Police are allegedly investigating the incident.
Just days prior to the shooting, on September 16, the Southfield Mother and Unborn Baby Care pregnancy center in Michigan was vandalized with pro-abortion threats. According to the Detroit Catholic, the threats were inscribed on the building in red paint and read, “If abortion isn’t safe, neither are you,” and were signed “Jane” — a nod to the pro-abortion group Jane’s Revenge.

Southfield, Michigan Mother and Unborn Baby Care pregnancy center vandalized pro-abortion violence
Images of the two hooded suspects have been published by Southfield police can be reached at 248-796-5500.
On August 1, 2022, Abria Pregnancy Resource Center in St. Paul, Minnesota, was vandalized. The center’s executive director announced the crime in an email to supporters which the news site received. “[T]he main entry was smashed with a rock and the words ‘if abortions aren’t safe, neither are you’ were spray-painted across the windows. She said nothing was stolen and no staff or clients were injured,” Alpha News reported.

Abria Pregnancy Resources in St Paul vandalized (Image Alpha News via APR)
On August 9, the Compassion & Hope Pregnancy Center in Pocatello, Idaho, was also vandalized. According to media reports, the vandals painted “forced birth center,” “God is a woman,” and “beware” on the building. The vandalism resulted in replacement of the center’s windows, the report claimed.

Compassion and Hope Pregnancy Center of Pocatello Idaho vandalized by pro-abortion violence
On August 18, Bethlehem House in Easthampton, Massachusetts, was the target of an attack, according to Catholic News Agency, which reported that local police and the FBI were investigating the incident. The crime follows a July ordinance targeting the center, filed by At-Large City Councilor Owen Zaret.
“Red and black spray-painted messages appeared on the sidewalk and benches in front of the city nonprofit. One message on the sidewalk reads, ‘If abortion’s aren’t safe, neither are you!’ and another on side-by-side benches reads, ‘Jane’s Revenge,'” reported. “Another sign, which reads ‘Bethlehem House Celebrates Life,’ was also tagged with black spray paint in what appears to be a letter A with a circle around it. Red paint was also streaked across the side of the Knipfer Avenue building,” the media outlet added.
Jane’s Revenge took credit for the crime according their published message at the anarchists’ website Abolition Media, which read in part, “The Bethlehem House hides behind a facade of ‘non-judgemental’ and free resources for pregnant people, while working diligently to spread the anti-abortion agenda….Fuck CPCs and their coercive tactics that threaten medical and bodily autonomy…. The forced pregnancy center was decorated with brilliant red paint splatters. Words spray painted onto the sidewalk and benches nearby read, ‘If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you!’ and ‘Jane’s Revenge.'”
BREAKING: Vandals attacked another pro-life center in Massachusetts. They left behind the message: “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you!” (PC: Shelly Fournier)
— Virginia Allen (@Virginia_Allen5) August 18, 2022
On July 25, the Northfield Women’s Center PRC in in Minnesota was vandalized with a spray painted message that read, “Fake Clinic ACAB Not Safe.” ACAB is an acronym for “all cops are bastards.” Executive Director Teresa Edwards told Alpha News that the perpetrators also bashed in windows in the front of the building and the offices inside were also in disarray. According to the report, the center’s staff was shaken after the incident and the culprit or culprits are still at large.

Northfield Women’s Center PRC vandalized (Images: Teresa Edwards)
On July 13, Options Pregnancy Clinic in Olympia, Washington, was vandalized. On Facebook they wrote, “Yesterday there was a small protest at our clinic and our sign was defaced. As we were serving patients just a few feet away, inside the building, this was happening outside… A group of men at a local church heard about the incident, and are forming a team to provide security. A supporter was driving by, saw what happened, and called to say she was praying for us….”

Options Pregnancy Clinic in Olympia Wa.
On July 22, Your Options Medical, a Heartbeat International-affiliated pro-life pregnancy help center in Revere, Massachusetts, was vandalized with threatening Jane’s Revenge messages that included, “If abortion’s not safe neither are you” along with the anarchist A symbol also painted on the building.

Your Options Medical pro-life pregnancy help center vandalized with Janes Revenge
The Center’s Executive Director told Live Action News that police and FBI were notified. “We also had several signs put on our windows with ‘Fake Client’ with a notice from ‘Boston Revolutionary Socialists,” she said.

Pregnancy Help Center Your Options Medical vandalized plan
Live Action News was also contacted by the the Chair of Prolife Helena in Montana, which brought the Human From Day One advertising campaign to Helena. She reported, “Sometime over the July 4th weekend,” the sign (below) was vandalized.
She claimed the group filed a police report, but added that, at that time, “nothing has come of it.”

Pro-life Helena Billboard Vandalized
Weeks ago, the radical domestic terrorist group Jane’s Revenge took credit for the criminal vandalism of two pro-life pregnancy centers in Massachusetts. The July 8 communique published by Abolition Media reads in part, “Two fake clinics in Worcester, Massachusetts (Problem Pregnancy and Clearway Clinic) have been attacked… their buildings had been redecorated with paint and broken glass. As others have said, it is fun and easy to attack. As more people discover the joy in attacking the infrastructure of the patriarchy, the attacks will surely continue with increasing frequency… Joyfully yours, Jane”

Jane’s Revenge Communique takes credit for vandalizing Problem Pregnancy and Clearway Clinic prolife PRCs in Ma
Devastating ?
PRC Director Heidi Matzke describes the escalation of threats and attacks against her clinic.
"We've had to reinforce doors and bulletproof our walls."
— Live Action News (@LiveActionNews) July 15, 2022
Pro-lifers personally targeted
In late July, the Thomas More Society announced that their founder Tom Brejcha’s home had been the target of pro-abortion vandals. An e-mail sent by the group claimed that “Between 40 and 50 members of the radical anarchist pro-abortion group known as the ‘productive Justice Union’ massed in front of the Brejchas’ residence chanting obscenities about Tom, the pro-life movement, the police, and the Supreme Court. They even tore up an American flag, shouting ‘Death to America,’ and uprooted Debbie’s rose bush from the garden!”
“Suddenly they dropped loud smoke bombs, surged onto the lawn, and hurled paint bombs at the brick front of the house, porch, and door, staining the property with almost indelible green paint, and inking the sidewalk and driveway with their ‘F’ words, anarchist symbols (circled capital ‘A’), and ugly slogans like ‘No Gods, No Rulers,’ and ‘Abort the Supreme Court,‘” TMS wrote.
Despite the pro-life couple not being home, the most disappointing part was the fact that “the police were sitting right outside watching everything, no arrests were made, and no one has been held accountable. At least, not yet,” TMS’ e-mail claimed.
On August 26, the home of pro-life activist John Pisciotta in Waco, Texas, was also targeted. On Pisciotta’s Hometown Pro-life Facebook page he published the following: “3 days of pro-abortion attacks on PRO-LIFE WACO property. The home in the top middle of the video is mine. It’s a corner lot and I typically display 7 or 8 pro-life yard signs. The ‘lady’ driving the beige car does THREE CIRCLES in the street before pulling in front of my neighbor… She proceeds to rip out all my yard signs and tosses them into the street… This morning I filed a police report for a vandalized billboard (Saturday August 27) owned by Pro-Life Waco. I’ll fill a second police report in the morning.”
Weeks ago, Florida pro-life activist Michele Herzog received a threatening phone call which called pro-lifers “ignorant,” “psychologically damaged,” and “human scum,” claiming that “it’s too bad your mothers didn’t abort each and every last one of you.” The caller added, “History will most certainly judge you – you worthless waste of human scum…h ope you’re all dead before the new year.”
While Law enforcement seeks information, no arrests have been made
In Oregon, authorities are asking for the public’s help in solving crimes against pregnancy centers and Houses of Worship in that state.
Kieran L. Ramsey, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Portland Field Office told KTVZ, “After the recent Supreme Court Decision overturning Roe v. Wade we have seen an increase of vandalism, arson, thefts and threats across the nation and right here in Oregon at houses of worship. While advocates with different views on this issue have the First Amendment right to voice their opinions, we must be clear that violence and threats of violence will not be tolerated, and those who are committing the acts will be held accountable.”
ATF Seattle Field Division Special Agent in Charge Jonathan T. McPherson stated, “What makes our country great is our ability to express our feelings and beliefs through peaceful protests or other lawful means. But when individuals turn to vandalism, intimidation or acts of violence as a way express these, ATF and our partners will always investigate in our effort to hold those people accountable. Hatred and fear have no place in our community.”
Report tips to FBI Portland at (503) 224-4181, the FBI tip line at 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324) or submit a tip online at Or contact local law enforcement.
In Tennessee, the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Memphis Field Office — Nashville Resident Agency released a photo of the suspected arsonist connected to the damage of Hope Clinic for Women in Nashville, Tennessee, on June 30, 2022. According to the release, the “unknown individual(s)” threw a “Molotov cocktail through the front window.” Anyone with information is encouraged to call the FBI Memphis Field Office at 901-747-4300 or submit online at

FBI wanted poster vandal of Hope Clinic for Women PRC in Nashville
Other asks include but are not limited to:
- Lynchburg, VA police: Information regarding vandalism of BlueRidge PRC; call Detective Dubie at 434-941-9937.
- Anyone with information on the Southfield, MI PRC attack is asked to contact the Southfield Police Department at 248-796-5500 with reference case number 22-31599.
- Anyone with more information on the arson attack of Life Choices in Longmont, CO is asked to call 303-774-3700 and reference Longmont Police Report #22-5219.
- Anyone with any information about the attack on the Heart to Heart Pregnancy Center in Cortez, CO is asked to call Montezuma Crimestoppers at 565-4243.
Days ago, a team of investigators from the FBI’s training and research center allegedly cancelled a visit to CompassCare in Buffalo, NY, a pro-life pregnancy center that was firebombed earlier this year. The Center’s CEO James Harden told Buffalo News that the team was scheduled to come and assist local agents and Amherst police with the arson investigation but cancelled for no apparent reason.
In June, Fox News reported that the FBI was asking anyone with information on the pro-abortion attacks or potential threats to alert law enforcement to call their local FBI field office or email But by September 14, Fox News was reporting that there has not been “a single arrest has been made in the more than a dozen attacks on pro-life organizations across the country claimed by left-wing pro-abortion group Jane’s Revenge.”
As a result, according to CompassCare, Rep. Chris Smith (along with 28 sponsors) announced the Protect Pregnancy Care Centers Act 2022. The proposal would “require an Inspector General report on domestic violent extremism against pregnancy centers.” Rep. Smith said the bill would also “require the Administration to report on current funding streams available to pregnancy care centers for needed security measures to guard against violent threats and provide recommendations for the creation of additional grant programs to protect them given the spike in attacks in recent months.”
Alleged anti-life bias
Weeks after the Department Justice Department (DOJ) vowed to protect abortion providers, the FBI was summoned in tactical gear to the home of Mark Houck, a Catholic father of seven young children and the latest pro-life activist to experience the heavy hand of the federal government for his political views. Houck was indicted under the so-called federal Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act or F.A.C.E. Act after an alleged altercation with a pro-abortion escort outside a Planned Parenthood (read more details here).
“This is an act of political persecution that is antithetical to justice & the rule of law. It has no place in America,” Live Action Founder and President Lila Rose recently tweeted.
F.A.C.E. is a draconian piece of legislation signed into law by former President Bill Clinton in 1994. The text of the law is available here, and, in part, “prohibits the use or threat of force and physical obstruction that injures, intimidates, or interferes with a person seeking to obtain or provide reproductive health services.” Stiff fines and penalties often apply to anyone convicted under the charges.
But, as is not as commonly known, F.A.C.E. also protects pro-life pregnancy centers and churches, and despite the heavy handed federal reaction toward pro-lifers, no federal charges have been applied to those advocating violence toward pro-life organizations. In fact, the Thomas More Society legal firm previously issued a letter warning some of the more public pro-abortion groups that if they threaten places of worship, there could be “significant legal liability” under the F.A.C.E. federal law. But, to date, Live Action News is not aware of any federal F.A.C.E. charges even being discussed regarding pro-abortion terrorism against PRCs and churches.
Two horrific crimes were committed against pro-life activists last week. First, an elderly pro-life activist was shot while canvassing in Michigan. Then, @POTUS’s DOJ unjustly raided the home of & arrested Mark Houck in an act of political persecution. 1/9
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) September 27, 2022
“The past 12 weeks, we have seen acts of vandalism & violence toward churches & pro-life pregnancy resource centers. We have seen ZERO indictments or arrests from the DOJ. This bias in our justice system is a danger to our way of life & legitimacy of our institutions,” Rose also tweeted.
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