In the latest investigative video released by the Center for Medical Progress, Dr. Savita Ginde, Vice President and Medical Director of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) bluntly admits, “It’s a baby.”
Her admission comes as Ginde, a medical assistant, and fetal parts buyers are standing in the lab room, piecing through the body parts of a newly-aborted baby. As the baby, covered in blood, is being sifted through, Ginde admits what everyone at Planned Parenthood knows:
“It’s a baby.”
Yes, it’s a baby. Ripped apart – brain matter lost in a water-washing, kidneys intact, spinal column still attached, heart easily found, legs more difficult to locate.
“It’s a baby.”
Earlier in the video, Ginde bluntly states that about 10% of babies in the second-trimester are delivered intact. She says that, in nearly 10% of second-trimester cases at PPRM, the babies are delivered by their mothers before an abortionist gets to them.

“It’s a baby!”
Forcing dilation in a woman – part of the abortion procedure – can cause some women to go into labor. This is likely what causes about 10% of second-trimester babies in Denver, at PPRM’s mega-center, to be born intact. Are they born alive? Very likely so, as there are countless stories of women who suffered miscarriages during their second trimester, but were able to hold their living babies for a few minutes or even hours.
In fact, viability comes during the second trimester – as early as 21 or 22 weeks. How many babies at this age have been born at PPRM? (PPRM says that it plans to extend its abortion procedures to 20 weeks by the end of the year, but often determining fetal age by ultrasound involves some amount of guesswork. It is entirely possible that viable babies have been born alive at PPRM.) How many have been left to die or murdered in a Gosnell-type way by Dr. Ginde and her associates? These are legitimate questions that the newest undercover video raises.
They are especially troubling considering the depth of corruption at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains. Not only is PPRM “one of the largest Planned Parenthood affiliates” that performs “over 10,000 abortions per year,” but this affiliate has been embroiled in legal controversy for years.
PPRM has been sued for a forced and incomplete abortion that left Ayanna Byer in need of emergency care. It has just recently been sued for its failure to “report the sexual abuse of a minor by a person in a position of trust and performing an abortion on the minor wthout providing the required notice to her parents,” according to an email from Colorado Family Action.
Additional corruption in PPRM is documented here.
Colorado’s Attorney General, Cynthia Coffman, is pro-life. Please contact her – especially if you are a Colorado citizen – and ask her to order an investigation into Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains.
Tell AG Coffman:
- The newest video documents PPRM planning how to profit off of fetal parts, while attempting to skirt the law.
- PPRM’s Vice President, Dr. Savita Ginde, is documented discussing how she can train her providers to modify abortion procedure to collect additional fetal organs – another violation of law.
- The video raises concerns that babies are being born alive at PPRM and left to die, or perhaps worse.
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Phone: 720-508-6000