This week pro-lifers across the nation are planning to protest at various Planned Parenthood facilities to draw attention to the abortion clinic...
You may recall that over the years, Live Action has covered interviews with late-term abortionist Willie Parker in Esquire, the Washington Post,...
Last month, as hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers marched to mourn the 57 million children lost to abortion, the abortion movement celebrated.... printed a story by Lana in January of 2015: “I Aborted My Baby – Because it Was a Boy.” Lana, who...
I’ve been an ultra-feminist, so I can teach you how to be ultra-feminist in 2015. First, you need to understand that being...
Losing hurts. Wanting something to happen so badly you can’t imagine a world where it doesn’t only sets you up for demoralization,...
Sometimes pro-choice activists say things that show they are completely out of touch with reality. On my website Clinicquotes, I have a...
If you follow the undertakings of pro-abortion organizations, you have probably witnessed their massive push to “de-stigmatize” abortion. The projects gained momentum when Emily Letts released...
Cosmopolitan’s senior political writer, Jill Filipovic, singled out reality television star, Jessa Duggar, over comments following a visit to the Holocaust Museum....
Most Americans who call themselves “pro-choice” aren’t abortion activists. They believe it should be legal, but not after the first trimester; they...
I’ve long been struck by how the temperament and tactics of “respectable” pro-abortion blogs is virtually indistinguishable from the sheer lunacy of...
If an elephant never forgets, then maybe it’s time for the Republican Party to get a new mascot. Particularly after Ken Cuccinelli’s...
Most abortion advocates are careful to act as if they’re not really fans of abortion. No one likes abortion, they’ll say. It’s...
Abortion activists love to try to paint the pro-life movement as a “war on women.” There is evidently a God-given right for...