As you might know, I got a major surprise some years back while attending a political event. The venue was surrounded by protesters, with one of them declaring that I was a racist who hated minorities. I was surprised to learn that about myself. My biracial girlfriend was even more puzzled when she heard the news.
I recently got another surprise: it appears that I support the abortion industry. Cecile Richards seems to think so, anyway. She’s the president of Planned Parenthood, and I received an email from her asking for my help. While I have a fairly good idea as to how I ended up on Planned Parenthood’s mailing list, the content of their message is a little perplexing.

Yeah, Cecile and I are on a first name basis.
The email begins with “Dear Adam” (as you can see, we’re pretty close) and then goes on to recount how abortion clinics are closing in Texas. Apparently this is part of a national trend in which “anti-women’s health lawmakers are making it harder and harder for women to get the care they need.”
That’s odd–I thought clinics were closing in Texas because they couldn’t comply with new rules designed to protect women from substandard care. While I always appreciate it when Cecile drops me a line, I have to admit that her grasp on the truth isn’t very tight.
Things start to improve in the second last paragraph. That’s when my BFF asks me to “join the fight by making a monthly pledge today.” She promises that my “monthly gift is THE most effective, efficient way to make a difference for women’s health and rights right now.” Finally, some accurate information.
Giving money to Planned Parenthood will definitely make a difference for women’s health and rights. Simply put, there are few other organizations that have managed to negatively impact women and girls on such a colossal scale. Whether it’s helping abusive partners, aiding sexual predators, or committing gendercide, Planned Parenthood is indeed making a difference.
Cecile has complained to me how “women are facing harassment and intimidation” when they visit a Planned Parenthood facility. The fact that many women are visiting Planned Parenthood because of harassment and intimidation seems to be less of a concern.
According to some research, more than half of all abortions are consented to under pressure, with women facing brutal violence when they say no. Time and again, women have been stabbed, bludgeoned, burned, and shot to death for refusing to go to an abortion clinic. Planned Parenthood should be aware of the problem; former clinic director Abby Johnson and six other ex-employees have released a letter stating that Planned Parenthood’s polices are inadequate to protect women from violence and coercion.
It’s not surprising that an abusive partner would benefit from Planned Parenthood’s services. After all, an abortion is a lot cheaper than child support. It’s also an easy way for a rapist to destroy the evidence of his crimes.
Jonathan Blanks brought his teenage daughter to Planned Parenthood after he had impregnated her. Gary W. Cross and Timothy Smith did the same with their step daughters. In case after case, Planned Parenthood has performed abortions on rape and incest victims before turning them back over to their abusers. None of this is surprising when you consider the video footage that Live Action has recorded.
In 2011, Planned Parenthood staff in multiple states were ready to assist individuals who presented themselves as sex traffickers. That included offers to to set up involuntary abortions on minors who “can’t speak English” and “won’t know what’s going on.” Naturally, for females to suffer this sort of abuse they have to exit the womb. Planned Parenthood is willing to keep that from happening.
Some cultures tend to prize a son over a daughter, which is why girls in China and India face a greater risk of being aborted. The problem isn’t just limited to Asia; the Canadian Medical Association Journal says that Canada has become “a haven” for couples seeking sex selective abortions. In 2011, Arizona passed legislation to outlaw abortions on the basis of race or sex. As you might expect, Planned Parenthood wasn’t amused.
Planned Parenthood spokesperson Bryan Howard declared that, “This law creates a highly unusual requirement that women state publicly their reason for choosing to terminate a pregnancy — a private decision they already made with their physician, partner and family.” In fact, the law doesn’t require women to publicly state anything. What it does do is prohibit Planned Parenthood from performing sex selective abortions. That isn’t just a hypothetical scenario; Live Action’s cameras have documented that Planned Parenthood staff are willing to help girls… come out in pieces.
So, after thinking it over, I’ve decided to turn Cecile down. Helping abusers, rapists, and people who carve up children just isn’t something that I’m into. If you feel the same way, then you may want to talk to Congress–they’re Planned Parenthood’s biggest supporter. Last year, Planned Parenthood received over half a billion of your tax dollars. Live Action has created an online petition calling for an end to that; you can find it here, along will more evidence of Planned Parenthood’s wrong doing.
I’m not sure if Cecile is going to re-consider her friendship with me, but I am hoping that Congress ends its relationship with Planned Parenthood.