A notorious late-term abortionist who has maimed and killed women during horrifically botched abortion procedures told CNN that if Roe v. Wade is overturned, he’s worried women will be… maimed and killed.
In a March 2022 interview prior to the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion showing the court is likely to overturn Roe, abortionist LeRoy Carhart, known for committing abortions on babies old enough to survive outside the womb, shared “his fears about what would happen if Roe v. Wade is overturned,” said CNN.
Keep in mind that neither state in which Carhart runs his business — Nebraska and Maryland — is set to ban abortion if Roe is overturned. In the video, he faked concern that women would be injured by illegal abortions or even killed — all the while, he himself has maimed and killed multiple women during abortions.
Key Takeaways:
- LeRoy Carhart has killed at least two women and injured several others in legal abortions, some so badly that hospital staff were traumatized by what they witnessed. Yet, he claims to be concerned for the safety of women.
- Studies and statistics prove that abortion rates decline in the wake of pro-life laws.
- The claim that women will die if Roe is overturned or if abortion becomes illegal has been repeatedly debunked.
Lie 1: Abortion laws don’t reduce abortion
Right out of the gate, Carhart, who commits third-trimester abortions, lied to CNN, saying, “Abortion, it’s been shown in every country in the world, it doesn’t change whether it’s legal or not legal, it happens.”
In 2020, The Lancet Global Health released a study showing that pro-life laws reduce the likelihood that an unplanned baby will be aborted. Between 2015 and 2019, in countries where abortion was mostly legal, 70% of women with unintended pregnancies chose abortion. During that same time period, 50% of women with unplanned pregnancies chose abortion in nations with at least some level of pro-life laws.
In addition, there are numerous studies that show abortion rates decline based on the legality of abortion. Between the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 and 1980, the U.S. abortion rate rose by nearly 80%. In addition, a 2004 study in the Journal of Law and Economics looked at abortion policies in Eastern European countries after the fall of communism and learned that countries that liberalized abortion laws saw abortion rates increase, while countries that protected preborn lives saw a decrease in the rate of abortion.
Lie 2: Women will die
Carhart continued that without Roe, “[…] women will start dying — which is horrible. Or they’ll be maimed for life, not being able to have children in the future. I just pray that it wakes people up.” The lie that thousands of women died from illegal abortion prior to Roe is still being used although that very year, 19 deaths were reported from illegal abortions, while 25 deaths were reported from legal abortions.
But Carhart already knows that women die from legal abortions; he has killed and maimed women during legal abortion procedures. The two women he is known to have killed are Christin Gilbert and Jennifer Morbelli.
Christin Gilbert was a young woman with Down syndrome who became pregnant as a result of sexual assault. She was taken to the Women’s Health Care Services in Kansas where Carhart worked. Christin’s baby was given a fatal shot of digoxin to the heart and she and her family were sent to a hotel.
The next morning, she delivered her dead baby in the family’s van on the way to the abortion facility. A D&C procedure was then carried out in which a tear on her uterus was sutured. Carhart then gave her RU-486, a drug not approved by the FDA for late-term abortion. They were then sent back to the hotel. The next two days became a nightmare as she developed sepsis and was treated only with fluids. She began vomiting, fainting, and bleeding, but Carhart did not respond to calls and did not go to the hotel to help her.
In a final trip to the abortion clinic, she became unresponsive. Staff called 911 but would not tell dispatchers what was truly happening, which delayed help. When paramedics arrived, Christin was lying in “huge amounts” of blood and fluid. Carhart was on top of Christin, physically trying to force fluids from her stomach. She eventually died and was found to have been bleeding profusely throughout her body, which was ravaged by sepsis and infection. Read more here.
Jennifer Morbelli was killed by Carhart in 2013 during a late-term abortion at 33 weeks on her daughter Madison who had been diagnosed with a condition that causes seizures. Carhart botched the abortion. After killing her baby with feticide, the following day Carhart began phase two of dilating Jennifer’s uterus. She returned to the clinic the following day and the next day as well, which was the day she was supposed to birth her now-dead baby. By then she was lethargic and ashen and delivery took nine hours.
On Thursday she began experiencing chest pain. Her family called Carhart, who was unavailable. Jennifer’s condition deteriorated and by the next morning, her family brought her to a hospital. They called Carhart but he did not provide any assistance. Jennifer coded six times before she died and the medical examiner said she died due to amniotic fluid spilling into her bloodstream and preventing her blood from clotting. Read more here.
Carhart and his staff have also maimed women. In 2020, he injured two women so badly that ER staff were traumatized by what they saw. On May 12, one of his patients went to the ER from his clinic due to a punctured uterus and internal injuries. A whistleblower told Operation Rescue that it was “the most horrific thing I have ever seen.” She was bleeding heavily from a ruptured uterus, showing signs of sepsis, her bowels were mangled, and parts of her baby were still inside her womb with body parts shoved through the hole in her uterus, including one of the baby’s legs.
On May 21, another patient was taken to the ER in “very critical” condition after Carhart called the hospital. She had a perforation in her uterus 8-9 inches wide and her baby was pushed through the hole into her abdominal cavity. The baby was mostly still intact except for a missing arm and portion of the spinal column. The head was attached by a stop of flesh. The woman needed a hysterectomy and four units of blood.
Carhart has continued to injure women since then.
Lie 3: Women have a right to abortion
Carhart concludes by stating, “I believe sex is a normal part of life so pregnancy is normal, but, there’s difference between unplanned and unwanted. In the woman’s heart, I can only anticipate from what they tell though, is that ‘This is destroying my life. I have plans. I have goals. I want to have the right family. I don’t want to, ya know, be homeless in a car.’ And I think that they have that right.”
Killing a preborn baby doesn’t prevent a woman from being homeless, and it doesn’t earn her a degree. Babies don’t destroy lives. Carhart may discriminate between “unplanned” and “unwanted” babies and determine that some humans are unworthy of life and some aren’t, but it isn’t true. Every human being deserves their rights and equality from the moment they come into existence.
Carhart doesn’t care about a woman’s reasons for aborting. He doesn’t care about her fears of homelessness. If he did, he would be providing maternity homes and support for women like pro-life organizations do, not killing their babies and sending them back to their negative circumstances.
Carhart said he is currently looking for an abortionist to replace him or work alongside him, which is verified by this job listing. However, the majority of OB/GYNs in America don’t commit abortions — and with states enacting laws to allow non-physicians to commit abortions it is likely that if anyone does replace Carhart, he or she may not be a doctor at all.
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