As I’ve explained before, I get regular emails from NARAL Pro-Choice America. In the latest, group president Ilyse Hogue claims that GOP candidates are “standing with violent, anti-choice militants with a history of bombing clinics and supporting the murder of doctors.”
Yep. We’re back to this again.
In July, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) began to release a series of videos. Shot with hidden cameras, they feature Planned Parenthood officials offering to commit multiple felonies.
They also provide a glimpse into the mindset at Planned Parenthood. In the fourth one, a doctor refers to the fetus she just aborted as “a baby.” Later, an assistant cheerfully notes that there’s “another boy” on the table in front of her.
He’s in pieces.
Instead of trying to defend what’s on the footage, Planned Parenthood and it’s allies are attacking the people who recorded it. Last month, Hogue leveled the same allegations about “anti-choice militants,” citing as evidence a story in the New York Times.
There was just one problem: as Live Action’s Susan Michelle pointed out, the Times article didn’t say that CMP or it’s founder, David Daleiden, had committed any acts of violence.
I’m wondering if Michelle’s rebuttal made the rounds at NARAL, because a different Times story is cited in the email I received. Unfortunately, this one doesn’t tie Daleiden to violence either. In fact, it doesn’t mention him at all.
If Ms. Hogue really wants to find those willing to commit shootings and bombings, then she should look closer to home. After all, the abortion industry has a long history of dealing with violent individuals; they help pay the bills.
Child support isn’t cheap, so some men see abortion as a great money saver. That’s probably why there are studies suggesting more than half of women who abort feel pressured to do so. This can involve financial coercion or threats of personal blackmail. Other times, the danger is more extreme.
![Joseph Minerd (via](
Joseph Minerd (via
It was for Joseph Minerd’s girlfriend. She was killed with a homemade bomb after refusing his demands for an abortion. Her three year-old daughter died along with her.
Shamari Jenkins and Hawa Gabbidon were shot to death for doing the same. Tanner Hopkins also opened fire on his pregnant girlfriend when she didn’t want to make a clinic appointment. Alex Santana went for a knife instead, repeatedly stabbing girlfriend Leah Diver. Although the later two victims survived, many aren’t so lucky.
Tasha Rossett wasn’t. The 23 year-old woman was found dead with a slashed throat after resisting demands that she abort her child. Roxanne Fernando and Shaniesha Forbes both met similar ends.
Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion chain, performing over three hundred thousand every year. And according to those who have worked there, the group isn’t too concerned about whether those abortions are wanted. Former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson and six other ex-employees signed an open letter to Congress stating that the organization’s policies and practices fail to stop coercion.
They certainly haven’t protected child sex abuse victims. In case after case, Planned Parenthood staff have failed to report clear evidence of sexual abuse. Instead, they’ve performed coverup abortions that have allowed it to continue.
They’ve been caught offering to do that on camera, too. When Live Action founder Lila Rose told a Planned Parenthood counselor that she was a minor who had been impregnated by her adult boyfriend, Rose was instructed to lie about the man’s age when seeking an abortion.
Visits to other Planned Parenthood centers yielded similar results.
Pro-lifers are trying to address this. In February, Texas state Rep. Molly White co-sponsored a bill requiring that abortion clinics provide private rooms containing information about assistance programs and a telephone with which to contact law enforcement.
NARAL Pro-Choice Texas wasn’t amused. According to their legislative counsel, this legislation created “a problem where none exists to push yet more abortion legislation in Texas that is not needed.”
You can make a difference by supporting similar laws in your state. You can also sign Live Action’s petition asking Congress to end its half billion dollar subsidy to Planned Parenthood. It’s available here, along with more proof of Planned Parenthood’s wrongdoing.
Meanwhile, if Ilyse Hogue wants to do something about violent criminals, then I have a simple suggestion for her: stop helping them.