
Abortion activists angry that a pro-life non-profit is helping pregnant women

maternal mortality, abortion, pregnant, pregnancy centers, tennessee

Abortion advocates claim that they have women’s best interests at heart. Yet they consistently fail women, refusing to offer them other options besides abortion, and refusing to help women who don’t choose abortion when they’re facing a crisis pregnancy.

The abortion industry is interested in one thing and one thing only: to convince as many women as possible to abort their preborn babies. This is why they rail against pregnancy care centers so often. These pro-life pregnancy centers provide the services that abortionists do not, which leads to fewer women getting abortions.

In New York City, there is a pregnancy care center called The Bridge to Life. It serves women in all five boroughs of New York City with two locations, offering free clothing, car seats, diapers, and more. They also counsel women on the risks of abortion, and make it clear that they are not a medical facility. And that has pro-abortion activists furious.

In an interview with NY1 reporter Courtney Gross, Andrea Miller slammed New York officials for giving The Bridge to Life a meager $10,000 for the upcoming year to help pregnant women. Miller is president of the National Institute for Reproductive Health. “In a city that has such a wealth of organizations that do provide women with support and services, they shouldn’t be funding organizations that lie and manipulate women. It’s simply not OK,” Miller said.

Miller is right that New York has a wealth of organizations that provide pregnant women with support and services — if the pregnant women are seeking out abortions, anyway. The governor of New York famously said that pro-lifers were not welcome. Taxpayers helped fund a new Planned Parenthood abortion complex in New York City, to the tune of $9 million. More black babies are aborted in New York City than are born. New York City gives Planned Parenthood alone over $7 million each year in funding. Indeed, in many ways, New York is the abortion capital of the world.

According to Pregnancy Help News, The Bridge to Life takes in just $153,000 each year. Miller’s organization, the National Institute for Reproductive Health, takes in $8 million. Miller alone enjoys a salary of $155,000 a year. You’d be hard-pressed to figure out what, exactly, Miller and the National Institute for Reproductive Health do to help women besides direct them towards their closest abortion clinic. Oh, wait! They came up with a Google Chrome extension that changes “pro-life” to “anti-choice”! Women everywhere must be so thankful, because changing Google search results is way more helpful than providing free car seats and clothes.

Remember this when these pro-abortion extremists try to convince you that they’re “pro-choice.” They’re not.

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