Many people are aware that Planned Parenthood is a national and world leader in committing abortions. What may not be so readily known is that many of these abortions have been against the mother’s will. The abortion chain has been involved in pressuring women to abort their children, and has even been known to go a step further in forcing women into the procedure.
In late 2012, Ayanna Byer showed up to Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains for a medication abortion. However, it was determined she was too far along in her pregnancy for this, and would instead have a surgical abortion.
She requested not to have the abortion since she had not received anesthetic when the abortionist began, but he refused to stop. The abortion was painful as well as unsuccessful. Byer had to have emergency surgery to remove the remains of her dead preborn child. She later sued Planned Parenthood, though the facility hid behind patient privacy laws and refused to say anything about the incident.
There are more examples, each more harrowing than the next. A nurse practitioner at Planned Parenthood shared an incident of a 17-year-old girl who was physically dragged and shoved into a room for her abortion. This appeared in a little-known 1992 book, signaling that forced abortions have been going on for as long as any of us know.
Earlier this year, an anonymous woman shared the story of her forced abortion. She emphasized that she was not the only one to face this harrowing experience.
Planned Parenthood was caught up in scandal last summer after undercover videos from the Center for Medical Progress alleged they were illegally profiting from the sale of aborted baby parts.
Planned Parenthood president and CEO Cecile Richards, in response to last summer’s Center for Medical Progress undercover videos alleging that the organization illegally profited from the sale of aborted baby parts, claimed the body parts were donated voluntarily. But post-abortive woman Nancy Tanner says she was not only pushed back down to have her abortion, but the facility then pressured her to donate her baby’s body parts and told her she couldn’t change her mind after her abortion.
One of the CMP videos even featured a witness who said an abortionist complained that a patient “c[ould]n’t calm down” enough to have her abortion, but later apparently did so. The fear is that the patient may have been coerced or forced into her abortion.
But even when Planned Parenthood isn’t physically holding down a woman in order to abort her baby, Planned Parenthood seems to have a problem with consent and has victimized women in other ways.
Take the numerous times in which Planned Parenthood will abort a young teen’s baby, only to then send her back into the arms of her abuser who impregnated her and brought her in for an abortion to cover up his crime. This happened at the same Planned Parenthood as Byer’s forced abortion, to a 13-year old known as R.Z. This young woman is hardly the only one, though. Live Action News’s Adam Peters has chronicled numerous accounts of these unfortunate incidents from Planned Parenthood.
Live Action undercover videos also show Planned Parenthood employees telling underage girls to get abortions across state lines instead of reporting the girls’ possible victimization to the proper authorities.
Another investigation shows Planned Parenthood’s willingness to assist sex traffickers when it comes to abortions for girls who “can’t speak English” and “won’t know what’s going on.” If that’s the case, how could these young victims possibly consent to an abortion?
Planned Parenthood is so extreme that the organization opposed a bill, now law, that criminalizes coerced abortions. At the same time, their taxpayer dollars continue to increase, despite a significant decline in legitimate services.
The abortion giant has not only aborted preborn children against the mother’s will, they have made money from it. This mistreatment of women by a taxpayer-funded, so-called ‘women’s health’ organization has to stop.