In a recent op-ed on Fox News, one woman described her harrowing abortion pill experience, warning against the widespread push for easy chemical abortion access and describing her belief that the FDA has “betrayed” women in unraveling abortion pill safeguards.
Author Elizabeth Gillette says she went to Planned Parenthood and was given the abortion pill, even though the doctor never looked at her medical history or told her about potential complications or risk factors (of which there are many). A “no test” protocol in dispensing the abortion pill has become common.
“Nothing was said about any side effects,” Gillette writes. “Or of needing to see me for a follow-up appointment with the doctor. Or about what to do in an emergency. We talked more about billing than the impact of these drugs on my body, or my physical and emotional health.”
She describes being sent home to complete a procedure she was told would be “as easy as taking a Tylenol” (a common pro-abortion claim) but which instead had a lasting physical and emotional impact.
When the drugs took effect, the pain was beyond anything I’d ever experienced or imagined. I bled profusely, pools of blood down my legs and on to the floor. Pain relievers and heating packs did nothing to ease the pain. My body shook violently. I suffered nausea and diarrhea and was sweating uncontrollably. Then, I passed the amniotic sac with my tiny child inside.
I was shocked and traumatized. They had said all I would see would be blood clots like a heavy period. No one had warned me that I would see my recognizable baby.
I was devastated. Shattered. I held the sac, not knowing what to do with my tiny baby. I was covered in blood, still sick and shaking, when I flushed my baby down the toilet.
I came to that point — of physical danger, emotional anguish, psychological torment — because the doctors and medical professionals at Planned Parenthood lied to me.
Gillette is hardly alone in her experience. Countless women have spoken out about the trauma and pain they have experienced after taking the abortion pill, like one Reddit user who posted photos (below) of her recognizably human child, aborted at 10 weeks gestation.

Photo: Reddit user brazen 177 (10-week aborted baby by abortion pill)

Photo of 10-week aborted baby: Reddit user brazen 177
In addition to the mental anguish of delivering a dead child alone, at home, women have also spoken of the physical pain, with some describing it as excruciating. Many women have had to seek urgent medical attention following a chemical abortion. Live Action has compiled many of these heartbreaking stories on its “I Saw My Baby” webpage.
Gillette ends her op-ed signaling her support of Alliance Defending Freedom, which is currently challenging the FDA’s rollback of abortion pill safeguards.
“The FDA has betrayed the women and girls who look to them to establish and enforce the safety standards that prioritize their health and well-being over political agendas and corporate profits,” she says. “It’s time all those involved in that betrayal live up to their responsibility and put women’s health first.”