Feminist writer Sophie Lewis has penned an op-ed for The Nation in which she announced that abortion is killing — but that...
Abortion activists like to claim that Planned Parenthood is vital to American women. If Planned Parenthood is defunded, or worse, shut down,...
(Newsbusters) It’s time to give them back. Planned Parenthood understands that, faced with the reality of what it does, the American public...
While the media stay away from the recent videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of aborted baby parts, they are drawn to Planned...
Proving that there are still states which take babies’ deaths more seriously than Colorado, on Monday, an Indiana judge sentenced Purvi Patel to 20...
I was reading some articles in The Nation, Jezebel, and The Huffington Post recently when something strange happened: I found myself agreeing with...
Pro-aborts are officially running out of things to attack pro-lifers over. In a convoluted attempt to give the situation in Ferguson, Missouri...
It’s that time again: time for Planned Parenthood’s Maggie Awards. The Maggie Awards were founded in 1978 to “recognize exceptional contributions by...
Over a year ago, the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts (KSBHA) stripped Ann Kristin Neuhaus of her license to practice medicine....