Live Action recently released a groundbreaking new video featuring Baby Olivia, the world’s most realistic and medically accurate animated representation of a child...
(National Review) A new research paper has found that pregnant women who are considering abortion and visit a crisis-pregnancy center (CPC) are about...
In a recent column for The Sun, Tanya Gold wrote about why she chose abortion as a 22-year-old college student. While this sounds...
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed the 2021 state budget on June 30 that will allow two abortion facilities, both at risk of...
The recent increase in pro-abortion attacks against pro-life pregnancy centers highlights a major problem that exists within the abortion industry: lack of...
Throughout the day Thursday, the mainstream media reported that the Senate was expected to make a historic vote. A majority was expected...
Patricia Launneborg’s book Abortion: a Positive Decision may be one of the most blatantly pro-abortion books ever written. She champions abortion, describing...
Pro-abortion groups often describe pregnancy resource center workers as liars, telling women that those who work or volunteer at these centers only care about...
Imagine you’re a young girl facing an unplanned pregnancy. You’re scared, confused, and you feel alone. You’re getting pressure — from your...