
5 ways pro-lifers can use Live Action’s ‘Baby Olivia’ video to spread the pro-life message

abortion, Baby Olivia, Florida

Live Action recently released a groundbreaking new video featuring Baby Olivia, the world’s most realistic and medically accurate animated representation of a child developing in her mother’s womb. Baby Olivia can be seen from the first moment she came into existence at fertilization through her entire prenatal development in remarkable detail, and she is educating people with the truth about humanity in the womb. Here are some ways that pro-lifers can utilize the story of Baby Olivia to reach others:

1. Share Baby Olivia on social media

No matter which platform you use to follow Live Action, take the opportunity to share Baby Olivia with your friends and followers. Just one click of the share button could send the Baby Olivia video straight onto the screen of a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy who is considering abortion. You can find Baby Olivia on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Share Olivia and her life journey before birth.

READ: Meet ‘Baby Olivia’: Live Action releases groundbreaking project showcasing fetal development




2. Educate friends and family

Abortion is a difficult topic to discuss with friends and family, especially if there is an obvious disagreement concerning abortion being morally unacceptable. Showing Baby Olivia to friends and family, regardless of their opinions on abortion, could help change their minds or cement their already pro-life beliefs.

The video can be used during pregnancy to show a family member or friend what their baby is currently doing, and what he or she looks like at her stage of life. It can also be used during conversations about fetal development, abortion, and abortion restrictions, including the upcoming Supreme Court case regarding Mississippi’s law restricting abortion to the first 15 weeks of pregnancy.

3. Helping pregnancy centers

The “Baby Olivia” video can be used by pro-life advocates in pregnancy centers across the country to show women a remarkably life-like animation of what their children look like during the different weeks of pregnancy.

The video can be played to help the baby’s mother or father understand that their preborn child is a human being whose life is worth protecting. Watching the video and watching their own child’s ultrasound can save countless lives from abortion.

4. Sidewalk advocacy

The sidewalks outside abortion businesses are often the last line of defense in the battle to save women and babies from the horrors of abortion. The “Baby Olivia” video can be shown to women who are about to undergo an abortion.

Images of Baby Olivia are also available for download here, and can be used to create signs for pro-life advocates to use at pro-life events, rallies, and outside abortion businesses.

5. Among the next generation

The Baby Olivia video is safe for children to watch, and will allow them to marvel at life before birth and wonder about their own preborn life. Educating children on life inside the womb is vital to raising up the next generation of pro-lifers so that abortion becomes an unthinkable and illegal act, permanently.

Baby Olivia is changing the debate about life inside the womb. Preborn babies are human beings, innocently meeting their first milestones as they prepare for life outside the womb. Every pro-lifer can use this amazing video to help expand Olivia’s reach and educate the world.

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