“The jumbled-up mass of tissue was easily identifiable as the torn and shredded body of a tiny human being.” Dr. McArthur Hill...
Carol Everett ran four abortion facilities and owned two before converting to the pro-life side. She has had a career as a pro-life...
(Bound4Life) This week, a coalition of pro-life and faith-based groups—most based in Texas—are coming together under the banner Texas Loves Life. We’re...
Three decades into serving women with life-affirming alternatives to abortion, Hope Pregnancy Centers of Brazos Valley is emerging as one of the...
Pro-abortion author, Wendy Simonds, interviewed abortion facility workers for her book “Abortion at Work: Ideology and Practice at a Feminist Clinic.” One staffer said of...
The Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services held hearings Wednesday, as part of its investigation into Planned Parenthood. The initial hearings...
Late-term abortionist Dr. Warren Hern, who performs abortions in the second and third trimester in Boulder, Colorado, wrote an editorial some time...
Late-term abortionist Dr. Warren Hern, who performs abortions in the second and third trimesters in his clinic in Boulder, Colorado, wrote an editorial...