“The jumbled-up mass of tissue was easily identifiable as the torn and shredded body of a tiny human being.”
Dr. McArthur Hill is a former abortionist who shared his testimony at the conference “Meet the Abortion Providers” sponsored by the Pro-Life Action League. Dr. Hill performed abortions in the first and second trimester. For first trimester abortions, he used the suction D&C method. This is also known as an aspiration abortion.
Below, Dr. Anthony Levatino, another former abortionist, describes the procedure:
A suction D&C abortion is performed by inserting a medical instrument called a cannula which is attached by a long tube to a machine that generates suction. The suction is then turned on and the baby is pulled apart. The baby’s parts go down a tube and end up in a little jar. In Hill’s abortion center, workers put a little sack of cheesecloth in the jar to make it easier to strain the baby’s body parts and examine them.
In his speech, Hill describes how it worked:
The vacuum machine is used, and the vacuum tubing empties into a tidy little cheesecloth sack. That little cheesecloth sack is about this big and in it are the products of conception. That’s what we called it. We sent those down to pathology.
The remains were sent down to pathology because they had to be examined carefully. If any part of the placenta or the baby, such as an arm or leg, was left behind, a very serious infection could develop.
In some rare cases, a woman who had an abortion might even pass this tissue later. As former abortion center owner Carol Everett said in an interview:
I know of other cases when a woman would call back and say “I just passed a foot” or “I just passed a hand.”
After the sacks had been removed, and their contents examined carefully, Hill and his colleagues took out parts for medical research. He explains:
In my second year of residency I spent two months on a pathology rotation, which is an interesting thing, and I had to come face-to-face with the contents of those sacks. We were studying the embryology of the ovary. I was in an obstetrical gynecology residency and we were obviously interested in the embryology of the ovary.
I, personally, then had to search through the jumbled-up mass of tissue to find the fetal gonads, to be sure to include them on the slide so that we could study them. The jumbled-up mass of tissue was easily identifiable as the torn and shredded body of a tiny human being. It was very obvious when we viewed the slides that we were also studying the embryology of the testes, because half of the aborted fetuses were males….
Even though these discoveries made me uncomfortable, I continued to do abortions. There were times when I personally sat there and opened up containers, five, six, seven containers at a time, and would open them up and stand and look at the [contents].
Abortions by suction can only be done up to the 13th week. After that, a procedure called a D&E is used. Therefore, the babies whose jumbled body parts Hill examined were all younger than 13 weeks. Even that young, the aborted children could be identified as male or female. In fact, a preborn baby girl has ovaries at just seven weeks after conception.
Testimonies like Levatino’s and Hill’s (and many, many others) tell the truth about what happens in every abortion facility in America- fully formed babies killed and their parts used for research. (And sometimes sold for profit.)
To read the rest of Dr. Hill’s speech, go here.