Noah – the name means “peace” and “comfort,” and for Lara, this was the perfect name for her son. She was 12 weeks and 5 days pregnant when baby Noah died from a miscarriage. Heartbroken by the loss of her son, Lara wanted his life to have meaning in the world. With this photo of Noah, that dream is becoming a reality.
“Even though he only lived for 12 weeks, Noah was special to me,” Lara told Louisiana Right to Life. “I am blessed that I was able to hold him, to see that he was real. Just like every other mother, this first photo of my child will always be special to me. I am devastated that we lost Noah, but I know that his 12 weeks of life had a purpose. His body reveals the miracle of human life.”
A true miracle. At 12 weeks’ gestation, Noah’s reflexes were becoming more refined. Like other preborn humans at this stage, he responded to touch, and moved around in his mother’s womb.
He started to close his fingers and curl his toes; his liver and kidneys were functioning, and most of his systems were fully formed. Noah only needed time to develop and grow.
What this picture of tiny Noah displays is the beauty of human life in the womb. In no way was Noah a “clump of tissue,” as the abortion industry would have us believe. He was human. He was perfect and beautiful, and no child like him should ever have to face a death sentence just for existing.
At 12 weeks’ gestation, that death sentence would have typically come in the form of a suction abortion, in which the preborn baby and placenta are sucked out of the uterus, torn apart by pressure 29 times stronger than a household vacuum. The abortionist then goes through the contents of the container, piecing the tiny person back together to ensure all of his or her body parts are accounted for.
It isn’t simply “contents of the uterus” being removed – it is a preborn human, who has reflexes and a beating heart. A human being who only needed more time to grow, along with the love and care of a family. Noah’s short life proves this, and his life will likely save many others his age from abortion.
“If [Noah] could help show one mother considering abortion the beauty of her child,” Noah’s mother said. “Then our loss would be worth it.”