
Goal of pro-life activists is to publicly expose ‘the violence of abortion without any filters’

The June 4 discovery of the dismembered body parts of an aborted child discarded into a trash receptacle outside Northeast Ohio Women’s Center (NEOWC) was another grim reminder of the atrocities perpetuated by the abortion industry and the ongoing war against preborn children. To the Red Rose Rescue activists who entered the abortion business that day to encourage abortion clients inside to choose life, the discovery was devastating.

Rescuer Andrew Bliss* had come to NEOWC that day at the invitation of Pastor Walter Moss. Bliss, aware that many abortion procedures had been recently committed in the area and prompted to action by a picture he’d once seen depicting the Blessed Virgin Mary consoling an aborted baby rescued from a trash bin, decided it might be worthwhile to search the abortion facility’s dumpster. 

What he found was heartbreaking.

“When the baby’s body parts fell out of the trash bag I was rummaging through, I was initially shocked,” he said. “And then I felt saddened and appalled to come across another child massacred by the instruments of abortion.” He felt certain this was the aborted child of one of the mothers who went into the abortion facility the day his fellow Red Rose activists were arrested for trespassing, making the finding even more tragic.

Monica Migliorino Miller, founder of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and author of “Abandoned: the Untold Story of the Abortion Wars,” is an activist who has made it her mission to expose the horrors of the abortion industry by photographing the graphic truth about abortion. Over a 30-year period, Miller has retrieved thousands of aborted babies from trash receptacles and diligently photographed their tiny broken bodies to record the injustice perpetrated against the most vulnerable.


Monica Migliorino Miller

“Those in the abortion industry want to erase any records of what’s been done to these defenseless babies,” Miller explained to Live Action News. “I want to peel back the curtain and allow people to see the violence of abortion without any filters.”

Miller’s foray into the pro-life movement began at age 23 when someone she met at a retreat encouraged her to read “Abortion and Social Justice by Thomas Hilgers and Dennis Horan and the “Handbook on Abortion” by Cincinnati obstetrician and pro-life activist John C. Willke, the latter of which contains disturbing photographs of aborted children. After moving to Chicago, Miller met Joe Scheidler, whose activism helped to spur her pro-life crusade.

Her initial experience with discarded aborted babies occurred in 1987. An abortion facility in downtown Chicago was tossing aborted babies into an open trash receptacle behind the building and it was there that Miller first saw the shattered remains of tiny children lying among the garbage. In that moment she knew she had to tell their heartrending stories through her own powerful photographs. A poignant collage of the forgotten children slain by abortion can be seen at

Miller told Live Action News, “I felt very deeply that the reality of abortion needed to be recorded and preserved — that the injustice of what happened to these human beings be exposed — much as the Nazi holocaust victims and persecution of African Americans is recorded for everyone to see. Photos don’t lie and they have the power to awaken souls to the atrocity of what actually happens to human beings in abortion.”  

It’s not only inhumane to dispose of aborted babies as if they were scraps of garbage; in many cases, HIPAA and biohazard waste disposal statues are violated, as was the case with the recent finding in northeast Ohio.

In 2010, Miller’s persistence in exposing the harsh and illegal methods of disposing of aborted babies resulted in the closure of two Michigan abortion businesses. “Because 17 bodies of aborted babies were found in the trash container of the Women’s Choice Clinic in Lansing along with patient records and biohazard waste, we were able to get the local sheriff to conduct a formal investigation,” Miller explained. “We then involved the Michigan Attorney General’s office, who conducted research and discovered the clinic and its sister clinic in Saginaw were not properly incorporated. As a result, the AG ordered both clinics to be closed. It was an enormous victory.”

Miller is hoping for the same outcome with NEOWC and vows to continue to push for abortion businesses to be held to account.

READ: SHOCK: 17-week aborted baby found in Ohio abortion business dumpster

According to Denise Leipold, Executive Director of Right to Life of Northeast Ohio, the center has been embroiled in controversy and was previously shut down. Most concerning, the chief abortionist at the center, David Borkins, had his medical license suspended for six months for illegally running a “pill mill.” Allowing a medical practitioner to resume abortions without oversight is a failing of the Ohio State Medical Board, Leipold told Live Action News.

Working with Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost, Ohio Right to Life has filed complaints with state and federal agencies demanding an investigation of NEOWC for its violation of state and federal HIPAA and biohazardous waste disposal laws.

Given this, Miller said, “Honestly, I cannot imagine that nothing will come of what we found in the NEOWC trash containers. The clinic staff can deny it, but we have proof that they broke the law and the Ohio health standards that regulate medical clinics. If the Ohio agencies investigate and the Attorney General does nothing, it means the abortion clinics can do whatever they want, and we will make a public issue out of it.” 

Tragedies like the one at the NEOWC are why Ohio Right to Life worked tenaciously to help pass Ohio S.B. 27, the Unborn Child Dignity Act, signed into law by Governor Mike DeWine in December 2020. The law mandates the Ohio Department of Health to establish rules for the proper and humane burial or cremation of children who have been killed by abortion procedures. 

Miller told Live Action News that even if pro-lifers do not feel comfortable participating in activism at abortion facilities, they can “contribute financially to pro-life groups or they can volunteer at [pregnancy resource centers] and gather items for mothers in need. Or they can transport women who have decided to not to abort to doctor appointments.”

Through the activism of pro-lifers like Bliss and Miller, and through the support of the rest of the pro-life community, perhaps all abortion businesses will be shuttered, one by one.

* not his real name

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