
Pro-abortion mother on TikTok tells baby: ‘I could have killed you’

pro-abortion TikTok I could have killed you

A horrifying video compilation shared by Live Action founder and president Lila Rose shows a pro-abortion mom, cooing to her baby that she could have killed her but chose not to.

In the first clip, the young mom held her baby in the video, looking down straight at her as she began talking in a baby voice. “Hi! I could have killed you,” she said. “But I chose to let you live.” The mom then directly addressed viewers in a more normal speaking tone.

“I chose to let her live,” she repeated. “As in, I had a choice. All women should have a choice.” Over the screen, text flashed as she spoke, seeming to be responses to pro-life comments on her video. “Motherhood is a choice and it is not for every woman,” she wrote.

In the second clip, she directly mocked the words of a person who commented about her use of the word “kill” when speaking about abortion. In an exaggerated whiny voice, she said, “Do you realize what you just said? Killed,” she continued. “I cannot wrap my brain around this no matter how I look at it.”

Resuming her normal speaking voice, the pro-abortion mother continued. “If you don’t want to use the word kill, that’s fine,” she said. “If you want to use the word kill, that’s fine. When you use hand sanitizer, you kill germs.”

The screen then flashed to her stroking her daughter’s head, propped up on her legs. “I could have simply chosen to not let you exist. But I let you exist. I let you form past the zygote phase,” she said, and then looked directly into the camera. “Is that better?”

She finished by addressing comments that asked her if she realized what she had said. “So yes, I realize what I just said, and I stand by it,” she concluded. “If you want to get an abortion, get an abortion. If you don’t want to get an abortion, don’t get an abortion. But don’t try to oppress my rights.”

READ: Aborted babies discovered in DC may indicate infanticide after attempted abortions

The video was shared by LibsofTikTok as well and has been viewed over 500,000 times. It has become more common for pro-abortion advocates to freely express callous takes on abortion, but one has to wonder how the child in the video might feel once she is older, should she learn of her mother’s sentiments. One viewer replied that being raised by a similar parent harmed him immensely.

“I have been told most of my life that the only reason I exist is because my mom was jealous that her sister in law was pregnant again and decided not to abort me like my older siblings,” he wrote. “Its always been hard to have much self worth, though I hope God saved me for a reason.”

All human beings have intrinsic dignity and value, whether preborn or born. This cannot change because some people fail to see the worth of all living human beings.

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