Planned Parenthood has released its 2015-2016 annual report nearly five months later than usual. Both abortion and taxpayer dollars to the abortion corporation have increased yet again. The report, released over the long Memorial Day weekend, reveals that contraception, prenatal care, breast exams, and pregnancy tests have decreased. Planned Parenthood has lost roughly 100,000 clients – dropping from 2.5 million in FY2014-2015 to 2.4 million in FY2015-2016.
While Planned Parenthood’s spokespersons attempt to convince Congress and the American public that defunding the corporation would be harmful to its clients, the 2015-2016 report shows that clientele at the abortion business continues to dwindle.
In 2011, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards boasted that the organization served three million patients. By 2015, those numbers had dropped by more than 600,000 to 2.4 million. From the 2014-2015 report to the 2015-2016 report, Planned Parenthood self-reported a drop of approximately 100,000 patients. Planned Parenthood also now admits that a surprising 11% of its clients are men.
Abortions, Taxpayer Funding, and Private Donations Increase
Despite the decreases, Planned Parenthood has increased its taxpayer funding as well as its market share of U.S. abortions
In FY 2014-2015, Planned Parenthood performed 323,999 abortions, accounting for 34.9 percent of the overall abortion market share in the United States. (This data is based on the latest abortion numbers published by Guttmacher.) By FY 2015-2016, Planned Parenthood’s abortions rose to 328,348.
Taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood increased by nearly one million dollars in 2015-2016, from $553.7 million in 2014-2015 to $554.6 million. Since 2004, when Planned Parenthood received $272.7 million in taxpayer dollars, forced taxpayer funding of the abortion corporation has increased over 103 percent.
While politicians continue to send Planned Parenthood more than half a billion dollars each year, the organization’s private donations increased by 26 percent, swelling by an additional $92 million in 2015-2016. (The total private donations in 2015-2016 were $445.8 million.) The cash flow enabled Planned Parenthood to end the year with an excess of revenue over expenses in the amount of $77.5 million. This excess was an increase of nearly 32 percent over the $58.8 million in excess Planned Parenthood reported in 2014-2015.
STI Testing and Treatment, Pap Tests, and Adoption Referrals a Long-Term Decrease
STI testing and treatment, which make up the bulk of Planned Parenthood’s services and include HPV and HIV tests, increased slightly from 2014-2015 (4,218,149). However, 2015-2016 numbers (4,266,689) still show that STI testing has dropped nearly five percent since 2011, when Planned Parenthood provided 4,475,013 tests and treatments.
Pap tests showed an increase from 271,539 in 2014-2015 to 293,799 in 2015-2016. However, the overall trend still shows that the service declined 75 percent from 2004 numbers, when Planned Parenthood recorded 1,183,692 Pap tests (see updated numbers in the 2005 annual report).
Adoption referrals to other agencies were also up slightly from 2014-2015 numbers (2,024 to 2,889). However, the current numbers remain a shocking 41 percent lower than 2007 numbers (4,912).
It remains a mystery why Planned Parenthood even counts adoption referrals as an actual service in its reports. Live Action News has reported that adoption did not show up in Planned Parenthood’s services totals until 2005 (see updated numbers in the 2006 annual report). Prior to that year, those numbers were categorized as “referred out” and were not included in the overall services totals performed by Planned Parenthood.
Contraception, Pregnancy Tests, Cancer Screenings, and Breast Exams All Drop at Planned Parenthood
Contraception services at Planned Parenthood decreased 4.6 percent in 2015-2016. The new annual report reveals that contraception services at Planned Parenthood are at their lowest in years, decreasing nearly 30 percent since 2009, according to that year’s Annual Affiliate Service Census Report (4,009,549).
In 2015, Planned Parenthood performed nearly 8 percent fewer pregnancy tests (1,079,836 ) than they did in 2014 (1,172,989 ).
Overall, cancer screenings at the nation’s largest abortion provider dropped another 2.4 percent in 2015. As Live Action News previously documented, in 2004, Planned Parenthood performed a combination of 2,157,849 cancer screening services (see updated 2005 annual report), which included Pap tests, breast exams, colposcopy procedures, LEEP procedures, and cryotherapy procedures.
By 2014-2015, Planned Parenthood’s overall cancer screenings had decreased to just 682,208.
But, by 2015-2016, despite adding a category called “other diagnostic” (which includes biopsies, samplings, ablations, and other gynecological surgeries), cancer screenings overall dropped to only 665,234.
This shows a decrease of 2.4 percent from the 2014 totals and a 69-percent decrease from 2004.
Despite false claims by Planned Parenthood as well as its political supporters that Planned Parenthood performs mammograms, mammograms performed at the abortion corporation remained steady at zero. Breast exams declined nearly 12 percent in 2015, from 363,803 in 2014-2015 to 321,700 in the new report. In addition, between 2004 and 2015-2016, breast exams declined by more than 65 percent (925,763 to 321,700).
Prenatal Services Cut in Half by Planned Parenthood
The abortion giant has insisted that prenatal care is one of its core services that women will lose if taxpayer funding is cut off. But an investigation conducted by Live Action earlier this year proved that those services are virtually nonexistent at the abortion chain.
Shortly after the release, the left-wing site Snopes declared Live Action’s prenatal care investigation “mostly false,” (a claim Live Action News debunked). The New York Times chimed in, quoting only a Planned Parenthood spokesperson in an attempt to defend Planned Parenthood.
Despite biased reports from the mainstream media, Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report proves that Live Action’s investigation was accurate. The 2015-2016 report reveals that prenatal care services at Planned Parenthood dropped nearly 46 percent in a single year (from 17,419 to 9,419).
Even more damning, the 2015 numbers also reveal that prenatal care at the abortion corporation has decreased nearly 70 percent from 2010, when prenatal services numbered 31,098.
The truth is that Planned Parenthood is more interested in abortion than in offering services for pregnant women who want to give life to their babies. As an abortion corporation, since 2009, Planned Parenthood has killed nearly one third of a million children every year in the U.S.
Every day that the Senate fails to defund Planned Parenthood, America’s abortion corporation ends the lives of 899 babies through the violence of abortion while continuing to receive over 1.5 million taxpayer dollars.