Planned Parenthood’s sex education programs have long promoted controversial and risky sexual practices to children, along with abortion — and Planned Parenthood has in turn benefited from the promotion of these ideas. After all, if children aren’t having sex, they won’t be in the market for STD testing or treatment, pregnancy testing, birth control, or — of course — abortions. And children who aren’t having sex don’t benefit Planned Parenthood’s bottom line.
More recently, people seeking out medicalization such as hormone injections have become the corporation’s new “cash cows.”
It’s not a far-fetched idea to expect Planned Parenthood to promote the things that will increase its revenue. Planned Parenthood may be a “nonprofit” organization, but despite what many people mistakenly believe, this does not mean that the corporation doesn’t make money. In fact, it has seen rising excess revenue annually for quite some time (the most recently reported year saw the corporation with the highest excess ever recorded, at $204.7 million).
Planned Parenthood has long seen parental involvement and supervision as a liability to its agenda, and it continues to infiltrate the public school system in America. This organization, steeped in the idea of population control since its founding, has now gone beyond propagandizing abortion as “empowerment” and subjecting even very young children to arguably age-inappropriate material. Now, it is grooming these same children to accept transgender ideology — and the corporation’s potential revenue from this is expected to be very lucrative, with the demographics trending toward younger ages.
Planned Parenthood’s new market
Planned Parenthood states, “While we don’t know for sure how many people are transgender, recent research shows that about 1% of people in the U.S. identify as transgender, more than 1.5 million people.” If that number continues to grow, Planned Parenthood will likely see more revenue as a result, as it is now one of the top providers of “transgender care.”
As the administration of hormone injections for transgender-identifying individuals is considered an injection for life, Planned Parenthood can expand its customer base for a lifetime.
According to a June 2022 report published by The Williams Institute:
- Over 1.6 million adults (ages 18 and older) and youth (ages 13 to 17) identify as transgender in the United States, or 0.6% of those ages 13 and older.
- Among U.S. adults, 0.5% (about 1.3 million adults) identify as transgender. Among youth ages 13 to 17 in the U.S., 1.4% (about 300,000 youth) identify as transgender.
- Of the 1.3 million adults who identify as transgender, 38.5% (515,200) are transgender women, 35.9% (480,000) are transgender men, and 25.6% (341,800) reported they are gender nonconforming.
- Research shows transgender individuals are younger on average than the U.S. population. We find that youth ages 13 to 17 are significantly more likely to identify as transgender (1.4%) than adults ages 65 or older (0.3%)
Planned Parenthood of South, East, and North Florida’s website claims that “gender affirming hormone therapy,” also known as “GAHT,” includes “Transgender Female (MTF) Hormone Therapy including estrogen and spironolactone” and “Transgender Male (FTM) Hormone Therapy including testosterone.” On a separate page of the website, Planned Parenthood tells clients that the “cost for a GAHT visit is between $95 to $105. In addition, lab test averages $26 to $142.”
Online, Planned Parenthood tells clients that their “initial appointment will include a review of medications and informed consent, an assessment of past and current health status, a physical exam based on your individual needs, and education about how to administer the treatment if that is something you are comfortable with. We then ask patients to come back at 3, 6, and 12 months, and once a year (or as needed) after that, if you choose to continue taking hormone treatment at our affiliate.”
Planned Parenthood adds, “At those appointments, we will conduct routine lab work and will be monitoring how the medication is working, and we will refill your prescription(s).” If a client is uncomfortable injecting their own hormones, Planned Parenthood claims they can “schedule appointments with a clinician or a registered nurse so that they can administer the medication for you.”
Currently, multiple Planned Parenthood affiliates indicate online that they do not offer hormone injections to minors; one website states, “We offer gender affirming hormone care for patients 18 years and older at all of our health centers and via telehealth.”
A 2017 Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania document stated, “We’re not offering HT services for those under 18. Helping a teen transition medically is a process that involves not only medical providers, but also mental health professionals and possibly legal services. It also requires the involvement of the family in terms of education and consent. PPSP is not able to offer this service at this time and we will reassess offering HT to patients under 18 in the future.” (emphasis added)
But Live Action News found several Planned Parenthood affiliate websites openly advertising hormone injections to minors 16 years old. In addition, some websites offered to refer younger children for “puberty blockers.”
Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood is grooming children to accept transgender ideology.
Planned Parenthood’s future customers
A video entitled, “Is This Normal? Puberty in Intersex and Non-Binary People, Explained” is linked on a teen website published by Planned Parenthood, which promotes “puberty blockers” and hormones:
“If you’re trans, intersex, or nonbinary, know that you’re not the only one feeling confused,” the video states. “Some people decide on hormones or surgeries to help their bodies match up to their gender identity or how they feel inside about themselves.”
“Your gender identity is real, you should decide what changes you want to make to your body,” Planned Parenthood states.
“There are medicines you can take to delay puberty for a while,” the video adds. “They are called puberty blockers and they work like a stop sign, by holding the hormones testosterone and estrogen that cause puberty changes, like facial hair growth and periods.”
The video tells teens that “puberty blockers are safe” — a statement that is not supported by long-term studies.
The video then suggests teens talk to a “trusted adult” or “doctor” before referring them to

Planned Parenthood teen videos intersex nonbinary and trans vid promotes “puberty blockers”
A video on that teen page called “What Is Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation?” takes place with a party and dance atmosphere in “Roo High School,” a fictitious location. But right out of the gate, it promotes Planned Parenthood’s 24/7 chatbot Roo, calling it “non-judgmental.”
The video includes “totally cool mc’s” Aaron Philip (whose “pronouns” are “she/her”) as well as James Butler (whose “pronouns” are “he/him”). James claims, “Identity is who you go to bed as. And orientation is who you go to bed with.”
The video takes teens through a series of questions answered by Roo, which includes how to “come out.”
“And remember, Roo is powered by real people at Planned Parenthood who care about the health and wellness of teens,” the video says in conclusion. “And on that note, let’s go dance.”

Planned Parenthood teen in gender identity and sexual orientation
Planned Parenthood of Central and Western New York (PPCWNY) offers a video series called “The Gender Unicorn” which can be viewed as two parts; it tells viewers to go to the website
In part one, the host tells kids that “gender identity” is “what you feel you are,” and suggests “it’s up here in the brain… not what your genitals tell you are” — it’s “who you feel you are.”

Planned Parenthood video for kids The Gender Unicorn
Basically, they claim kids should identify as the “term” that makes them feel “the most comfortable in [their] skin.”
In part two, Planned Parenthood discusses “gender expression” which means “how you express your gender on the outside.”
In part three, Planned Parenthood’s video claims that “sex assigned at birth” is “down here” not “just what did your genitals look like when you were born” or what the doctor said they were — something Planned Parenthood claims was “forcefully assigned you.”
Instead, “whatever your genitals are, that doesn’t mean that’s how you identify in your brain, and that’s chill,” the host states.
Ironically, part three also condemns “forcing surgery” on children until they are old enough to “know what they are” — for intersex children, that is.
In the final episode (part four), Planned Parenthood speaks about physical and emotional attraction, where they introduce the idea of being “pansexual.”
The one time Planned Parenthood uses parents to its own advantage
The organization also goes off its usual script, recruiting parents to assist in promoting transgender ideology to their own children — the opposite of what Planned Parenthood does when it comes to abortions involving minors. In one case, Planned Parenthood finds parents useful to their cause; in the other, parents simply get in their way.
On Planned Parenthood’s website, it offers a course called, “What should I teach my elementary school aged child about identity?” There it is claimed that children will “come to understand their gender identity during elementary school” while acknowledging that “kids have brains like sponges.”
And what should you do with those ‘sponge brains’? Planned Parenthood tells parents to “Use books, movies, or TV to point to role models that defy gender stereotypes (think: LGBTQ people, female athletes or mechanics, male dancers or nurses, etc.).”
“Kids get a lot of messages about gender from the world around them. We know that kids have brains like sponges. One thing growing brains are figuring out in the early part of elementary school are the messages they’re getting about gender. What does being a boy or a girl mean for them? Some kids may feel strongly about sticking to strict gender roles, saying things like blue is only a boy color, or dolls are only for girls. Other kids may be inclined to play with or defy those gender stereotypes,” the website states.

Planned Parenthood teach child about identity website page jpg
In addition, Planned Parenthood has created a video to “educate” parents on how to know if their “kid is transgender.”
The organization tells parents, “The truth is that your child is who they are and it’s going to be okay. There’s nothing you as a parent can do to change your kid’s gender identity.” (emphasis added)
“While most people don’t have a sense of their sexual orientation until middle of high school, children do start to understand their gender identity as early as three years old,” the organization claimed. “Some little kids may understand that the gender everyone says they are is not really who they know they are inside. And that’s the definition of transgender.”
But Planned Parenthood also claimed, “For some kids, experimenting with their gender expression is just a phase or a personal preference. But for others, deep inside they have a sense that boy or girl isn’t the right category for them.”
The grooming video claims that transgender-identifying children will be consistent and persistent in their claims, and they suggest parents turn to counselors or therapists “supportive of transgender identities” to help — of course.
“As always, the best thing that you can do for your kids is listen to them, be there for them and show them you love them just as they are,” the video states before referring parents to Planned Parenthood’s website, which also promotes the dismembering of children before birth through abortion.

How To Know If Your Kid Is Transgender Planned Parenthood Video