Planned Parenthood, the nation’s number one abortion corporation committing 40% of the nation’s abortions, has in recent years diversified its business by offering hormone injections for transgender-identifying individuals.
As a corporation, Planned Parenthood has begun to offer children as young as 16 the ability to obtain cross-sex hormone injections. The corporation’s website states that it is also willing to offer “gender affirming care” (GAC) at even younger ages if the child obtains parental permission.
In some cases, Planned Parenthood also says it will refer a child elsewhere for GAC.

Planned Parenthood Metro DC “Gender Affirming Care”
Planned Parenthood claims young children can know their “gender identity”
Planned Parenthood claims on its website that a child can know his or her “gender identity” by the age of two. Notably, this is the same organization which is #1 in the nation for killing preborn children based on a pregnant mother’s desires.
“Many people know their gender identity as young as age 2, but others may not fully understand their gender until later in life. It’s OK not to know — or to be questioning — at any age,” Planned Parenthood’s website claims, citing no sources for these claims. “Gender identity is how you feel inside and how you express your gender through clothing, behavior, and personal appearance. It’s a feeling that begins very early in life,” Planned Parenthood also claims.

Planned Parenthood website claims a two-year-old child can know his or her gender identity
“Sex is a label — male or female — that you’re assigned by a doctor at birth based on the genitals you’re born with and the chromosomes you have. It goes on your birth certificate,” Planned Parenthood states online. “Gender is much more complex: It’s a social and legal status, and set of expectations from society, about behaviors, characteristics, and thoughts. Each culture has standards about the way that people should behave based on their gender. This is also generally male or female. But instead of being about body parts, it’s more about how you’re expected to act, because of your sex.”
“For example,” Planned Parenthood adds, “ideas about how men and women are expected to behave, dress, and communicate all contribute to gender. Gender is also a social and legal status as girls and boys, men, and women.”
In 2021, author Abigail Shrier called transgender services at Planned Parenthood a growing business. In a blog post, she claimed a Planned Parenthood employee told her, “trans-identifying kids are cash cows, and they are kept on the hook for the foreseeable future in terms of follow-up appointments, bloodwork, meetings, etc., whereas abortions are (hopefully) a one-and-done situation.”
Planned Parenthood promotes puberty blockers for children
Planned Parenthood Great Plains (PPGP) is where “Dr. Janet Cathey, PPGP’s Arkansas physician, has provided gender-affirming care for decades,” the group’s 2020-21 AR states. “Gender-affirming care, including the use of hormones to delay puberty and to promote development consistent with a child’s gender identity, is recommended for transgender youth as evidence based patient care.”

Planned Parenthood Great Plains 2020 to 21 AR promotes puberty blockers for children
Special consents for 14- and 15-year-olds
“In order to receive gender-affirming hormone therapy you need to be over 18 and capable of providing consent,” Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida (PPSWCF) writes on its website. However, “If you are 17, you will need your parent/guardian to accompany you for your appointment.”
But there are “special consents for these services,” the affiliate added.
“If you are 15 or younger, additional paperwork is required. Please be aware that there are special consents for these services. If you are under the age of 18 your first appointment must be in person, if you are under the age of 14 all of your appointments must be in person,” PP’s website reads.

Planned Parenthood SW and Central Florida on young teens – “gender affirming” care
PPSWCF “provides estrogen and testosterone hormone therapy to approximately 1,900 patients a year, including minors as young as 14 with parental consent after an extensive evaluation process,” the group’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Robyn Schickler, told in February of 2023.
Hormone injections for 16-year-olds
“In order to receive gender affirming hormone therapy services you need to be over 18 (or 16-17 with parental consent) and capable of providing consent for services. There are special consents for these services,” Planned Parenthood Mar Monte states on its website.
The PP affiliate separately writes, “At PPMM, we strive to serve every patient to the best of our abilities. We are not currently able to prescribe puberty blockers or gender affirming hormones therapy to youth under 16. Transgender and gender diverse youth are welcome to access the rest of our services, including birth control, STI testing and treatment and more.”

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte “Gender Affirming services” for minors
Planned Parenthood of Illinois (PPIL) states that it is “proud to provide gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) to transgender, nonbinary, and gender-expansive folks ages 16 and up” at all PPIL facilities.
According to the website, “If you are 16 or 17, you will be scheduled to meet with a member of our Behavioral Health team prior to your first visit with a medical provider. The Behavioral Health clinician will share information about Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy [GHAT] and assess whether you and your family need any further support. All of your legal guardians must be present at this visit and your first clinical visit in order to sign a medical consent.” Additionally, “Physical exams are not a routine part of GAHT care at PPIL.” (emphasis added)
PPIL announced its intentions to expand GAC services to the affiliate in 2016 but actually launched cross-sex hormone injections at two Chicago health centers in 2015. In 2018, when PPIL claimed that 5% of its clientele was 13-17 year-old teens, it expanded transgender services to all the affiliate’s centers. That same year, PPIL was actively training first responders in transgender terminology.

Planned Parenthood of Illinois GHAT Hormone Therapy to 16 and older
Planned Parenthood of Maryland’s website says that the affiliate offers “Gender affirming hormone therapy for individuals aged 16 and older. Parental/guardian consent required for <18 years.”

Planned Parenthood Maryland “Gender Affirming services” for minors
Planned Parenthood Massachusetts will “see patients 16 and over” for “gender-affirming hormone services.” The affiliate writes, “For patients who are 16 and 17, we require a parent/guardian consent. If you are under 16, we can refer you to other Massachusetts providers who can give you hormonal care.”

Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts “Gender Affirming services” for teens
Planned Parenthood North Central States claims “Patients must be at least 16 years old and post-puberty to qualify for this service.”
In a separate location the website also states, “If you are post-puberty and a minor, you’ll need to bring a parent or guardian to your first hormone therapy visit so they can sign some paperwork. You’ll need to bring a parent or guardian if you are under the age of:
- 18 if you visit a health center in Iowa, Minnesota, or South Dakota.
- 19 if you visit a health center in Nebraska.”

Planned Parenthood North Central States “Gender Affirming services” for teens
Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri will “offer hormone replacement therapy to patients 16 years and older. If you are 16 or 17, there are additional requirements. You will need to have a parent or guardian with you during your visit. If you are less than 16 years old we can refer you to the Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital”

Planned Parenthood St Louis Region SW MO “Gender Affirming services” for teens
The Virginia League for Planned Parenthood’s transgender brochure (linked at its website) states, “VLPP currently serves patients 16 & older for HRT, with the hope to serve younger patients in the future. If you are under 18, we do need parental/guardian consent. If you are younger than 16 and interested in HRT, call our Transgender Health Line and we will do our best to assist you.”

Virginia League for Planned Parenthood transgender brochure
Hormone injections for 17-year-olds
Nationally, Planned Parenthood’s website tells teens who want to “transition”: “If you’re 17 or younger, you need your parent or guardian’s consent to get gender-affirming hormone replacement therapies (HRT) like testosterone and estrogen. However, some states are trying to pass laws blocking people under certain ages from getting HRT, even with parental consent.”
But Planned Parenthood also claims, “Some health care providers require both parental consent and a minimum age requirement for people younger than 18. For example, some Planned Parenthood health centers only provide HRT to patients who have parental consent and are at least 16 years old, while others only provide HRT for ages 18+. Other doctors may prescribe hormones to patients who are 12 and up with parental consent.”
The organization then advises teens to “Contact your nearest Planned Parenthood health center to find out what’s happening in your state.”

Planned Parenthood HRT teens need parents permission
Planned Parenthood of Delaware, Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic (PPHD)‘s website states, “Gender affirming hormone therapy for individuals aged 17 and older. Parental/guardian consent required for <18 years.” On its brochure, PPHP says it will “provide this service to those who are age 17 and over and we do not require a mental health clearance prior to initiating hormones.” (emphasis added)

Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic Gender Affirming services

Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic website from 2020 will serve 17 year-olds “Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy” (Image: PP website 2020)
Younger than 18 with parental consent
“In order to receive gender affirming hormone therapy, you need to be over 18 and capable of providing consent for services,” Mt. Baker Planned Parenthood states online. But the affiliate adds that it “can provide services for younger patients with a parent or guardian’s permission. There are special consents for these services.” PP is also teaching “gender identity” in the neighboring schools.

Mt Baker Planned Parenthood in schools with Gender Identity
Planned Parenthood will refer minors
Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan New Jersey states in its welcome letter, “We see patients ages 18 and older, and for youth we are able to refer to other local providers who can offer Gender Affirming Care.”
A similar statement is on Planned Parenthood Northern County’s website: “For our gender affirming care, we see patients 18 and over. If you are under 18, we can refer you to other providers who can give you hormonal care.”

Planned Parenthood of the North County Gender Affirming services will refer minors
Planned Parenthood Keystone’s FAQ states, “At this time, we can only see patients who are 18+ years or older. If you or someone you know is under 18 and is interested in learning more about hormone therapy, you can contact our Patient Navigators… They can help find resources.”
Planned Parenthood Keystone’s (PPKey) GAC services appear to be for ages 18 and up, where it warns potential clients that an allergic reaction is possible but says it will refer clients for surgery and will recommend doctors.
The affiliate links to documents detailing the effects of “feminizing” and “masculinizing” hormone injections.
And the affiliate’s website tells clients, ”If you or someone you know is under 18 and is interested in learning more about hormone therapy, you can contact our Patient Navigators…” And if someone does not have the funds, PPKey says it will assist that person with getting Medicaid.
Planned Parenthood will consult with minors
“In order to receive gender-affirming hormone therapy services at Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest, you must be 18 or older and able to provide consent. While patients under 18 cannot received hormone therapy, they may have a consultation with a provider to understand treatment options and to receive medications to stop their periods (if desired),” Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest states online.
18 or older
Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (PPGC) claims to have “expanded current health care services for transgender patients to include gender-affirming hormone therapy services via Telehealth.” The affiliate also claims to offer “gender-affirming hormone therapy for transgender patients (ages 18+)” where “Gender-affirming hormone therapy services include estrogen, spironolactone, and testosterone.”
The websites of Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho, Planned Parenthood Greater Ohio, and Planned Parenthood Western Pennsylvania claim they will only give hormones if a person is the “Age of majority (18+ years old),” while Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas, Planned Parenthood Greater Washington/North Idaho’s website states, “Currently, Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas does not provide Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy for minors.”