
Planned Parenthood president: ‘Lives are at stake in this election’

Planned Parenthood CEO

The president of the largest chain of abortion facilities in the nation actually had the audacity to claim that lives are at stake in this election. TheStranger.com cited Cecile Richards from a rally held recently in Washington State:

“We’re in the most momentous election in terms of reproductive rights that most of us have seen in our lifetime,” Richards told a room of supporters at the Washington State Convention Center, where she praised Washington Governor Jay Inslee and the state’s Democratic senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell. “Lives are at stake in this election.

Planned Parenthood admits to aborting over 300,000 babies annually and receiving over $500 million dollars every year in tax revenues. So, by admitting that “lives are at stake,” in this election, perhaps Richards, who also thinks we need to “humanize” abortion, is referring to the ongoing investigation into their aborted baby body parts scandal. Or maybe, it is the complete disregard Planned Parenthood has for the safety of women who come to them for abortions.

Women like Tonya Reaves whose so-called “safe/legal” abortion landed her in the morgue or the many women who are removed from the abortion chain in ambulances. One can only guess.

Cecile Richards Lives at Stake

In their interview, the Stranger, quotes Richards as admitting that abortion on demand was “literally on the ballot in November.”

Members of Congress have “passed more restrictions on reproductive access in the short time they’ve been in office than any Congress I’ve known of,” Richards told me. “I think Roe v. Wade is literally on the ballot this November.”

Earlier this week, the Planned Parenthood CEO was in Wisconsin to stump for Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. She told supporters, who gathered at the home of a Dane County gubernatorial candidate, that “this is sort of the pinnacle of everything we’ve fought for all our lives.”


At the Wisconsin meeting Madison.com reports that Richards claimed this election would be the biggest election in terms of investment from Planned Parenthood’s political action committee. And they are not kidding.

For the first time in a presidential election, Planned Parenthood Action Fund endorsed Clinton.

PP ENdorses Hillary

In their endorsement of Clinton, Richards called the planning of children, which according to Clinton and Planned Parenthood, includes the right to kill the preborn in the womb “absolutely fundamental to everything we can do.”

Hillary CLinton raises arms after Planned Parenthood endorsement

Clinton, Planned Parenthood’s idol second only to their eugenics founder Margaret Sanger, has been a long time advocate of abortion even defending the gruesome Partial Birth Abortion procedure.

Clinton recently referred to the preborn in the womb as ‘unborn persons,’ telling Chuck Todd that although they are persons they do not have constitutional rights.

Well, under our laws currently, that is not something that exists. The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights.

That dangerous mentality is right in line with Planned Parenthood which, in 2009, gave Clinton their top award: the Margaret Sanger Award. Now, Planned Parenthood hopes to reward Clinton by ushering her into the White House. But, with the potential of another eight years of extreme abortion politics, I would agree that one thing is for sure this election: lives really are at stake!

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