
Planned Parenthood applauds apparent censorship of Live Action

planned parenthood, boston

Planned Parenthood is showing itself to be pro-censorship after United Airlines recently appeared to block access to Live Action News, the publishing arm of the pro-life group, Live Action, on in-flight wifi.

The airline’s policy states it does not “allow customers to access certain websites that may be inappropriate or unsuitable for inflight viewing.” However, the websites for both Planned Parenthood and NARAL were permitted.

Planned Parenthood was quick to chime in on the news, tweeting support for the censorship of Live Action News.

However, Planned Parenthood’s rush to words backfired on two counts. First, United Airlines has denied intentionally blocking access to Live Action News. In a tweet to Live Action President Lila Rose, the airline claimed a third-party service was responsible for the mistake of categorizing Live Action News as unsuitable for in-flight viewing.

Second, many Twitter users took issue with Planned Parenthood’s blatant support of censorship, and quickly took to Planned Parenthood’s page to express their concerns.

Planned Parenthood’s call to censor Live Action News is distasteful on several levels, but it’s nothing new. Planned Parenthood has a history of attempting to silence those who disagree with their agenda – even among their own supporters. Planned Parenthood was recently caught deleting Twitter and Facebook comments from supporters angered by the group’s advocacy arm endorsement of Hillary Clinton.

Planned Parenthood is also suing David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress over videos that exposed barbaric aspects of the abortion business. According to Daleiden, Planned Parenthood is “filing a frivolous lawsuit in retaliation for CMP’s First Amendment investigative journalism that has done nothing more than tell the truth about Planned Parenthood’s lawless operations.”

Whether it comes from Live Action News, the Center for Medical Progress, or social media comments, the truth is what Planned Parenthood wants to censor.

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