Planned Parenthood is still reeling from the baby body parts scandal, and so far, all of their attempts to make it go away have failed. Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards will be testifying before Congress on September 29. The House of Representatives has voted to defund Planned Parenthood, along with multiple states that have already stripped them of funding. Even more states have opened investigations into Planned Parenthood, and several Congressional investigations have been launched as well.
So what is Planned Parenthood’s newest strategy to make it all go away? They’ve just announced #PinkOut Day, on September 29. Supporters are asked to wear pink, turn their profile pictures on social media pink, attend #PinkOut rallies in their area, and — of course — to donate money to Planned Parenthood.
They’re essentially trying to “pinkwash” the issue away.
Planned Parenthood is trying to make this an issue of an attack on women’s health care by “anti-abortion extremists.” It’s another obfuscation of the actual issue at hand: Planned Parenthood is breaking multiple laws. They’ve been caught illegally selling fetal body parts. They’ve been caught performing illegal partial-birth abortions. And they’ve been caught admitting that they manipulate abortion procedures so as to better procure body parts to sell — also illegal. People are rightly infuriated to know that Planned Parenthood is killing babies born alive after abortions in order to make a profit off of their body parts, that preborn babies are being ripped limb from limb when they’re able to feel pain, and then being sold.
But Planned Parenthood doesn’t want people to think about these horrors; instead, they try to make it all about health care, when the reality is that Planned Parenthood is not truly a health care provider. In fact, health clinics outnumber their abortion mills by huge numbers. Thanks to Cecile Richards’ leadership, health care has plummeted at Planned Parenthood, while its total revenues have increased. Prenatal care, breast exams, cancer screenings, pap smears, adoption referrals — all have decreased drastically over the years, while abortion has steadily increased, even though Planned Parenthood is seeing fewer clients.
Lawmakers must take action and stop subsidizing the abortion business, which receives over $500 million taxpayer dollars every year. Instead, funds should be redirected to the over 13,000 health care clinics that offer comprehensive services for women and their children. It’s time to stop buying into Planned Parenthood’s spin, and see the corporation for what it is: a destructive and abusive abortion business that profits from the killing and exploitation of human life.
Planned Parenthood wants to hide behind clever hashtags, urging followers to celebrate their abortions and to cover up the horrors of has been uncovered with the color pink. But does wearing pink make any of it go away? Does turning a profile picture pink suddenly mean that the evidence of Planned Parenthood’s lawless behavior has vanished? Would people be less horrified by the video of Planned Parenthood executives talking about how clinics make a “fair amount of income” off of the body parts of aborted babies if the executives were wearing pink?
Planned Parenthood can try to pinkwash it all away, but America will not be fooled, and, as recent protests have shown, it’s not going to just disappear… no matter how many pro-abortion activists they can convince to wear pink.