Almost half of the 668 Planned Parenthood facilities in the nation were flooded with pro-life protesters Saturday in a nationwide effort. The demonstrations come on the heels of a series of videos by from the Center for Medical Progress that show top doctors at Planned Parenthood haggling over the price of fetal body parts.
Yesterday’s protest, planned for weeks, follows a new video released this week in which a Planned Parenthood fetal parts buyer is seen making jokes about shipping baby heads. About 320 Planned Parenthood centers saw protesters with the turnout at some numbering in the hundreds and even thousands. Posts about the rallies were tagged #ProtestPP and became the top trending items on both Facebook and Twitter.
The Washington Examiner called the protests “massive.” And the Washington Post reported organizers say this was the largest ever single protest against the abortion profiteer – who seems to be quickly falling from the public’s graces. As Live Action’s President Lila Rose tweeted, America is, indeed, speaking out.
America is waking up and speaking out! May we see a world where every life is protected. #ProtestPP #WhyWeProtest
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) August 22, 2015
Protest against Planned Parenthood draws significant crowd in Los Angeles # ProtestPP
— Live Action (@LiveAction) August 22, 2015
The number of posts on social media today was overwhelming because the numbers of protesters were so high. Here’s a sampling.

Elizabeth Zion Herder posted a picture of the pro-abortion demonstrators she saw at the Kansas City region’s Overland Park Planned Parenthood, which she estimated were outnumbered 100 to 1. This middle America location alone had about 700 protesters, and it wasn’t the largest.
Among the large crowd gatherings were the 1600-plus reported by pro-life leader Jill Stanek in Aurora, Illinois.
Final count 1600 #prolife ppl at #protestpp in Aurora IL #plannedparenthood #defundpp @ProLifeAction @EricScheidler — Jill Stanek (@JillStanek) August 22, 2015
And in Minnesota, the St. Paul Planned Parenthood drew 5,000 protesters, including Pastor John Piper, who has often spoken about the evils of abortion from his pulpit.
John Piper’s prayer today at #ProtestPP in #STPaul: — Desiring God (@desiringGod) August 22, 2015
Elsewhere across the nation, crowds gathered, some large, and some smaller, but all a united voice for truth and life.
Probably 600 or so protesting in Lincoln, Nebraska. Stretch of about 1/4 mile. @Channel8ABC #ProtestPP
— Morality Is Freedom (@MoralsToFreedom) August 22, 2015
— Lu (@LupizRamirez) August 23, 2015
113 Pro-Lifer’s showed up today in Wilmington, NC. #protestpp #ppsellsbabyparts — Shannon Tyson (@shanowcu) August 23, 2015
A count was taken just now at Fort Worth Planned Parenthood Protest. At least 520! #ProtestPP
— David T Welch (@davidtwelch) August 22, 2015
#ProtestPP #AllLivesMatter #EndTheWarOnBabies #JesusLovesTheLittleChildren — Hearts Not Forgotten (@heartsnot4gotn) August 23, 2015
Go New Orleans! 3t @BigDadios: #ProtestPP #NOLA I estimated abt 700 Good job NOLA — Miao (@MiaoReport) August 22, 2015
#ProtestPP 180 attendees standing up against the evils of Planned Parenthood in Wisconsin Rapids
— Jen Dunnett (@vitapretiosa) August 22, 2015
Go Morristown! RT @cathybx5: #protestpp trending Morristown NJ — Miao (@MiaoReport) August 22, 2015
Louisville #ProtestPP estimates 500+ turned out to call for @PPFA to be defunded.
— Colin Smothers (@colinsmo) August 22, 2015
Some Live Action graphics on the sidewalk today in Roseburg, Oregon. Keep standing strong! #ProtestPP
— Live Action (@LiveAction) August 22, 2015
Some of the large media and prayer turnout at the PP protest in Washington, DC! #protestpp
— Rev. Patrick Mahoney (@revmahoney) August 22, 2015
Pray to end abortion. #ProtestPP in Roanoke. @PPact @PPFA #PPSellsBabyParts #DefundPP
— Andrea Caresse Lewis (@AndreaCaresse) August 22, 2015
The opposing crowds were small, but some of their signs were stark reminders of the inherent evil and absolute control Planned Parenthood wants at all costs.
Witches for #PlannedParenthood: Counterprotest at #protestpp event Ferndale MI via @sjakofclifeline #ppsellsbabyparts
— Jill Stanek (@JillStanek) August 22, 2015
And in Detroit, pro-lifers were met with a troubling counter-protest of Satan worshipers, reminding the nation that evil is rooted as deeply as the devil himself.
But as Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, reminded everyone, today should only be a piece of the overall picture. The fight continues.
Don’t let today be the only day you stand for justice. #ProtestPP #PPSellsBabyParts
— Kristan Hawkins (@KristanHawkins) August 22, 2015