Earlier this month, Ohio voted to enshrine abortion as a “right” in its state constitution. Three other states have done likewise in the last year, including California, Michigan, and Vermont, where killing children in the womb at any point in pregnancy is now a protected action. In Kentucky, residents voted against an amendment stating that their constitution does not protect a right to killing preborn children. In Kansas, residents voted against clarifying their state constitution’s language to protect preborn children. In Montana, voters shot down efforts to protect even abortion survivors.
To accomplish these feats, abortion proponents had to convince the majority of voters that women have a “right” to dead children, and they had to erase the casualties of that “right” entirely.
Erasing the primary victim is easy in the abortion debate. These victims can’t march down streets carrying posters and chanting for their equal rights — because they’re dead. They were killed without the opportunity to even cry out.
Their bodies were then buried — not in proper graves, but hidden and disposed of in medical waste facilities, dumpsters, and the sewer system after being brutally suctioned, dismembered, or injected with lethal drugs. They cannot speak for themselves, but photos speak for them.
Warning: Graphic images
On March 25, 2022, pro-life activists made the heartbreaking discovery of victims hidden inside a medical waste box that was being trucked out to Curtis Bay Energy. Their bodies were going to be destroyed by an incinerator and used as energy. In the box were the remains of 110 babies killed by abortion. Most of them were killed in the first trimester, but experts stated that five of the babies were likely old enough to have survived outside the womb (late second trimester and later) if they had not been killed in the Washington Surgi-Clinic abortion business. The pro-life activists named the babies Christopher X, Harriet, Phoenix, Angel, and Holly.
This is what Ohio, California, Michigan, and Vermont have voted to allow, have deemed to be a “constitutional right,” and have celebrated with cheers and applause.
This was last night in Ohio. An outburst of joy to celebrate child sacrifice.
Something is deeply broken in our country. pic.twitter.com/UCWwhKCQMt
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 8, 2023
Here is the reality of what those cheers, applause, and votes will now allow and even celebrate:

Christopher X was found in a medical waste bin outside a DC abortion business (likely aborted in the third trimester, possibly near term).

Baby Harriet was found in a medical waste bin outside a DC abortion facility (dated at potentially 28-30 weeks).

Baby Phoenix was found still in the amniotic sac in a medical waste bin outside of a DC abortion business (late second or early third trimester).

Baby Holly was dismembered late in pregnancy and found in a medical waste bin outside of a DC abortion business (estimated at possibly 26-28 weeks).

Baby Angel was killed by dismemberment abortion late in pregnancy and his body was found in a medical waste bin outside a DC abortion business. (Photo credit: PAAU)
The intentional killing of preborn human beings is not the “right” of any person. However, seven states have so far determined that it is a woman’s right to kill her child at any point during pregnancy right up until birth. There are claims that these cases involve only women with extreme health concerns or babies who will die at birth, but the truth is that most late abortions are not committed for dire health reasons. Most of these abortions are carried out when a woman doesn’t realize she is pregnant until later in the pregnancy, can’t decide whether to abort or not, can’t figure out where to go or how to get to the abortion facility, or has trouble coming up with the money to pay for an abortion.
These five babies were killed at an abortion business that has admitted to killing the healthy babies of healthy women late in pregnancy. This is what these seven states voted to allow. And this is what other states are trying to allow. Pro-lifers must stand up to stop the brutal slaughtering of these innocent children. We must show the victims of this so-called “right.”
Editor’s Note, 11/15/23: Corrections have been made to clarify the various measures that were either voted down or voted into law by the citizens of various states listed.