At least two Catholic universities have invited pro-abortion activists to their campuses this spring, including DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois, and Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut.
Catholics for Choice President Jamie Manson
DePaul University hosted a panel of pro-abortion members of “Catholics for Choice” on May 2 as part of a campaign against the university’s policy to not supply birth control to students. The policy states that “the distribution of birth control devices, of any kind, is strictly prohibited on university premises,” however, DePaul’s chapter of Planned Parenthood Generation Action (PPGA) has organized a free off-campus contraceptive delivery program.
“Catholics for Choice” was invited by PPGA as a kickoff event to its campaign against the school’s policy against distributing birth control. President of Catholics for Choice, Jamie Manson, was featured on the panel.
“My Catholic identity is my advocacy,” she said, according to the university’s online publication The DePaulia. “They are one and the same.”
Manson claims the Church is prejudiced against women, and this is to blame for its opposition to contraception and abortion. “It really is the understanding of women and what we can and cannot do,” she said.
She called the Church’s pro-life position “a barbaric teaching of forced births,” said that “the church is a menace to bodies, especially vulnerable bodies,” and claimed that opposing abortion goes against the Church’s call to care for the most vulnerable. She referred to birth control and abortion as “basic human rights.”
However, the Catholic Church stands in a position of protecting the most vulnerable when it comes to abortion. The most vulnerable person in every abortion is the child who is being intentionally and directly killed — like the babies later named Christopher X and Harriett, whose bodies were obtained from a medical waste bin by pro-lifers outside the Washington Surgi-Center, a D.C. abortion business, in March of 2022.

Babies Christopher X and Harriett were found in a medical waste bin outside of a D.C. abortion business.
Sister Simone Campbell
Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut, invited Sister Simone Campbell to be its commencement speaker on May 11. Sister Campbell, executive director of NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, has previously spoken at the 2017 Women’s March. The pro-abortion march was sponsored by Planned Parenthood, and Sister Campbell suggested that the event was inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Sister Campbell was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Joe Biden in 2022. Biden noted her work in aiding the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, as well as her efforts with “Nuns on the Bud,” a nationwide tour she led which presented health care as a human right.
In addition, during an interview with Democracy Now at the 2016 Democratic National Convention, Sister Campbell said, “I don’t think it’s a good policy to outlaw abortion. The thing that we need to face is that women choose abortion often or most often because they don’t have economic options. And I think the shock of our nation is some claim to be pro-life but they’re really pro-birth. They don’t do what’s necessary to support women in carrying a baby to term and providing paid family leave.”
It is an injustice to believe there must be certain policies in place before the killing of innocent children, like Angel, pictured below, can be prohibited by law.

Baby Angel was found in a medical waste bin. Experts believe he was possibly exsanguinated and dismembered alive.
Killing innocent children — and convincing their mothers that they have no other choice than to have their child killed — is not a solution for socio-economic concerns any more than killing the homeless is a solution to the problem of homelessness. Killing is not a valid or ethical solution for a societal problem.
Women who face challenges while pregnant deserve the opportunity to overcome the challenges as well as access to the support that is necessary to help them do so. Pro-life organizations offer women the support and resources they need while pro-abortion groups offer only death as a false solution.
A petition to stop Sister Campbell’s address was circulated by Tradition, Family, Property (TFP) Student Action. It garnered nearly 16,000 signatures in a matter of days.
“Campbell claims she cares about ‘social justice,’” TFP Student Action Director John Ritchie and Nathan Kinley wrote. “However, she favors perhaps the greatest injustice of all time: the sin of abortion.”