
Ambulance called to Washington Planned Parenthood for suspected hemorrhage

Planned Parenthood, Indiana

An ambulance was recently called to a Planned Parenthood facility in Lynwood, Washington, seemingly for a botched abortion. But what makes this particular 911 call stand out is the fact that this particular facility only commits abortions using the abortion pill.

According to the Computer Aided Dispatch Transcript (CAD) Report, obtained by Operation Rescue, an ambulance was dispatched on the afternoon of March 12, without lights or sirens. While the report was heavily redacted, a dispatch code was one of the items left unredacted, which is a common code known to have been used nationwide in reference to a possibly dangerous hemorrhage or laceration.

As the facility does not commit surgical abortions, it is possible that the patient took the abortion pill and suffered a potentially serious adverse event. Thousands are known to have experienced adverse events as a result of the abortion pill regimen.


“There are serious risks to both surgical and pill abortions that are downplayed by Planned Parenthood. That is why it is so important to document incidents like this one that occur at abortion facilities all too often,” Operation Rescue President Troy Newman said in a statement. “We have reported on hundreds of medical emergencies at abortion facilities and our growing body of evidence proves that abortion is not safe for women. It also represents the tragic loss of life in terms of the babies whose lives are cut short by abortion.”

READ: An OB/GYN speaks: The ‘no-test’ abortion pill protocol experiments with women’s health

The abortion pill regimen is frequently described by the abortion industry as being safe and practically harmless — and much safer than continuing the pregnancy and giving birth. Yet the reality is far different. The potential side effects have been well-documented and include uterine hemorrhaging, viral infections, sepsis, and death. It has been shown to carry a four-times higher risk of complications than surgical abortions, and at least 24 women have died. This is on top of the thousands of known adverse events, with the true number likely to be even higher, as not every state requires abortion complications to be reported.

And yet, the abortion industry is not only still promoting abortion pills, it is trying to force the FDA to remove the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation System (REMS) regulations on it, which would essentially allow women to take abortion pills at home, with no medical supervision, and with no pregnancy testing, ultrasound, or exam before receiving the pill. Not only should this never be permitted to happen, the facts by now are clear: the abortion pill regimen is dangerous, and should be removed from the United States market.

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