The abortion industry pushes the idea that women need abortion for hard cases, that abortions are not being used as birth control and that repeat abortions rarely happen. A glimpse at the Twitter feed of one longtime abortionist reveals that the truth is very different from the propaganda being brought forth: abortions are being used as birth control, and repeat abortions are not frowned upon by the abortion industry.
Abortionist Diane Horvath-Cosper comments frequently on Twitter and commits abortions at Whole Woman’s Health in Baltimore, Maryland. A blog post at WWH’s website reveals that Horvath-Cosper has also worked for a dozen other facilities, including Planned Parenthood, according to the website — so when she reveals why women obtain abortions, she holds a level of credibility.
This week, Horvath-Cosper published a series of posts on her Twitter page that claim two things:
- Women use abortion as birth control.
- Abortionists do not care if women have multiple abortions.
“One of the dumbest ‘arguments’ about #abortion: is it or is it not birth control? OF COURSE it’s #birthcontrol, because it prevents a birth. It’s definitionally not #contraception because conception has already occurred,” she wrote. “#ABORTION IS #BIRTHCONTROL, no matter how you personally feel about it. Let’s stop shaming and stigmatizing people for knowing what’s best for their own lives.”
READ: Abortionist claims pro-abortion hospital is discriminating by keeping her off TV
Live Action News previously reported that the use of birth control does not necessarily prevent abortions:
A study published by the Guttmacher Institute, along with a study by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, found that more than half of the women who seek abortion reported using birth control during the same month they got pregnant. The Guttmacher findings, published on January 8, 2018, state that in 2014, 51 percent of the women who sought abortion were using birth control. Of that 51 percent, 24 percent were using condoms, 13 percent were using the pill and one percent were using a long-acting reversible birth control such as an IUD.
In another tweet, Horvath-Cosper says abortion is actually “the best method of birth control,” writing, “When we stop and listen – *really* listen – to people’s lived experiences, we discover that #abortion might actually be the BEST method of #birthcontrol sometimes.”
In another tweet, she added, “If people want to use #abortion as birth control, THAT’S 100% OKAY.”

Abortionist Diane Horvath Tweets that abortion is birth control repeat abortions ok (Image: Twitter)
Horvath-Cosper then reveals a truth rarely mentioned to the public: the abortion industry doesn’t care how many repeat abortions (even as many as twelve) a woman has. She writes, “And I don’t much care if someone has one #abortion or three or twelve. That person deserves compassionate care EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. No matter how many times. No matter what other people think about their decision-making.”
Live Action News previously documented that half of women who have an abortion have had at least one prior abortion already. The information came from a report published by the TARA Health Foundation. TARA’S philanthropy was recently used to prop up Whole Woman’s Health (WWH), where Horvath-Cosper works.
Repeat abortions are also believed to be a direct result of taxpayer funding.
Live Action News reported about another survey, which asked “a national sample of 8,380 women how many prior abortions they had.” The report found that slightly less than half of post-abortive women (44.8%) had not undergone just one procedure. They also found that taxpayer funding played a significant role in repeat abortions, as “[p]atients who paid for their abortion procedure with their own funds were less likely to have had a prior abortion than those who used health insurance or received financial assistance.”
Live Action News also noted that more than half of abortions in Medicaid-coverage states are taxpayer funded.
READ: Writer says she used ‘several abortions’ as birth control because contraception made her sick
There have been numerous attempts to convince the American public that women only use abortion for “safety net” purposes. Data reviewed by Live Action News revealed only a tiny fraction of the so-called “hard cases” are the reasons given for why women abort. In 2014, the last year abortion data was published by Planned Parenthood’s former research arm, the Guttmacher Institute, half of women admitted they “did not want to be a single parent or were having problems with their husband or partner.” Other reasons women gave included “the inability to afford raising a child” and the “belief that having a baby would interfere with work, school or the ability to care for dependents.”
A May 2018 Gallup poll found that 50 percent of Americans would want abortion to remain legal only under “certain circumstances.” It would then be difficult to believe that using abortion as birth control or having multiple abortions falls under that category, despite what aborionist Horvath-Cosper says.
The question is, will the media or polling agencies ever ask?