Whoopi Goldberg promoted more pro-abortion propaganda on a recent episode of “The View,” lashing out at pro-life Americans for wanting to protect preborn lives.
Discussing the recent law passed in Florida protecting preborn children from abortion after six weeks gestation, the panel reacted with anger, but especially Goldberg. “Well, part of the problem is, if you don’t know how a woman’s body works, don’t make decisions for her,” she said. “When we said — and we listen to people say stupid stuff like, ‘Oh, I thought you got pregnant eating, like, you know, a watermelon seed or something.’ If you don’t know that women don’t know if they’re pregnant at six weeks… there is information you should have if you’re making these decisions, you’re not doctors!”
Interestingly, it is pro-abortion advocates who frequently discuss pregnancy as if it is a condition which just inexplicably happens to women at random, as opposed to the expected biological outcome from a specific physical action to which, in the majority of cases, women consented.
Goldberg then continued by attacking the pro-life movement directly.
“People carry the weight of… abortion for years”
“We should be able to talk to our doctors who actually know our bodies and make the decision that way of what we’re going to do,” she said. “This is not an easy choice for women. Women don’t go… it’s not like, ‘oh party time, I’m going to get an abortion,’ it doesn’t work that way. People carry the weight of having had an abortion for years. It is not an easy choice to make. And damn all of you who think this is something that people do for fun! You read that stuff in magazines, it’s not real!”
It is true that there are serious psychological risks associated with abortion, and that women are known to suffer emotionally after the fact. Yet the abortion industry often downplays, or outright denies, that these risks exist.
Abortion advocates have always downplayed the gravity of abortion
And while the average woman does resort to abortion because she feels she has no other choice, pro-abortion extremists are known to feel differently. Consider this pro-abortion screed — since deleted — written by abortion advocate Amanda Marcotte, in which she compares having an abortion to removing a cavity:
Well, let me just put a stop to this sh*t right now. You can give me gold-plated day care and an awesome public school right on the street corner and start paying me 15% more at work, and I still do not want a baby.
I don’t particularly like babies. They are loud and smelly and, above all other things, demanding. No matter how much free day care you throw at women, babies are still time-sucking monsters with their constant neediness. No matter how flexible you make my work schedule, my entire life would be overturned by a baby.
And don’t float “adoption” as an answer. Adoption? F*ck you, seriously. I am not turning my body over for nine months of gaining weight and puking and being tired and suffering and not being able to sleep on my side and going to the hospital for a bout of misery and pain so that some couple I don’t know and probably don’t even like can have a baby. I don’t owe that couple a free couch to sleep on while they come to my city to check out the local orphans, so I sure as sh*t don’t own them my body.
I like drinking alcohol and eating soft cheese. I like not having a giant growth protruding out of my stomach. I hate hospitals and like not having stretch marks. We don’t even force men to donate sperm—a largely pleasurable activity with no physical cost—so forcing women to donate babies is reprehensible.
This is why, if my birth control fails, I am totally having an abortion. Given the choice between living my life how I please and having my body within my control and the fate of a lentil-sized, brainless embryo that has half a chance of dying on its own anyway, I choose me. Here’s another uncomfortable fact for anti-choicers: Just because a woman does want children doesn’t mean she wants them now. Maybe she’s still got some fun-having to do. Or maybe she has a couple already and, already well-educated about the smelly neediness of babies, feels done with having them. Either way, what she wants trumps the non-existent desires of a mindless pre-person that is so small it can be removed in about two minutes during an outpatient procedure. Your cavities fight harder to stay in place.
On The View, Goldberg was not yet finished, and attacked the pro-life movement as a group of religious extremists.
It’s not about religion
“The hubris that people have to tell someone, ‘No you have to do it because my religious beliefs say that if you do that, it’s a bad thing…’ no!” she said, adding, “Believe what you wanna believe, that’s not what’s at issue. We have different beliefs, you may have Catholic beliefs and Jewish beliefs. These are all fine. But let me make my decision as I will let you make your decision, and that’s where we are as Americans.”
The “religious belief” argument is actually not relevant. Laws against homicide, for instance, do not offer “exceptions” for one’s personal religious beliefs that may hold it is acceptable to kill certain humans. What pro-life people believe — because it’s true — is that at fertilization, a new human being with his or her own distinct DNA is created, and that human is a member of the human family (Homo sapiens) and should not be unjustly deprived of his or her inherent right to exist. In other words, pro-lifers are inclusive of preborn humans as part of the human family; they do not discriminate or dehumanize them.
Goldberg, who has previously called preborn babies “toxic things,” ignored that the pro-life movement is based in science. Preborn children are human beings, and that is a scientific reality, not a faith-based belief. And it is for this reason that the pro-life movement is comprised of people with so many different beliefs — religious and secular, conservative and liberal — who all understand the true importance of the debate.
It has nothing to do with imposing religion on someone, and everything to do with inherent human rights. The direct and intentional killing of a human being before birth is the ultimate human rights violation, and no matter how much people like Goldberg try to excuse it, it will never be acceptable.