Assisted suicide was legalized in Victoria, Australia in 2019, with the promise that legalized physician-assisted death would prevent fifty suicides a year,...
Reports from the Australian state of Victoria indicate that, in just one year, the number of deaths from assisted suicide increased by...
(Right to Life UK) A Bill in Victoria, Australia which would have forced hospitals with a religious affiliation and which receive any state...
A bill that would have expanded abortion in publicly funded hospitals in Victoria, Australia, has failed. The bill was introduced by Reason...
A man who shot his father will not serve any jail time after a judge ruled that the murder was an act...
(Right to Life UK) A new Bill is being introduced to the Parliament of the Australian state of New South Wales, which seeks...
Australian pro-lifers are preparing to hold a March for Life to rally against euthanasia and assisted suicide. Queensland soon intends to opens...
A Texas nurse gave birth in a gas station restroom on July 11 after pulling over with her husband for a bathroom...
Expanding the push towards legalized assisted suicide, the state of Western Australia has become the second in the country to legalize the...