Dying with Dignity Canada, the foremost assisted suicide and euthanasia advocacy organization in the country, has begun using members of the clergy...
A recent Washington Post article acknowledged that the increased survival rate of premature babies presents a challenge to the concept of fetal...
A 58-year-old woman in Scotland starved herself to death in 2014 after learning she had lung cancer and had been given six...
A one-year-old girl named Aurea, born through IVF, is believed to be the first person born after passing a new type of...
People have been pained and outraged at the story of a 24-week-old Polish baby who screamed for an hour after surviving an...
On Tuesday morning, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on late-term abortions and born-alive infants. This is the same Committee which...
Abortion advocates championed a study published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine early this month, which purported to show the...
At Tuesday’s congressional hearing on Planned Parenthood, Representative Ron DeSantis (R-FL), spent his five minutes grilling Cecile Richards, the group’s president, over...
Over the past two decades, doctors have made significant progress in saving the earliest premature babies, according to a report issued Tuesday...
The New England Journal of Medicine has published an editorial that parrots Planned Parenthood’s talking points and lambasts The Center for Medical...