
Supreme Court to hear Conestoga Wood Specialties’ case against the abortion pill mandate


In addition to adding the Hobby Lobby case to their calendar, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear another case involving Obama’s abortion pill mandate, Conestoga Wood Specialties v. Sebelius.  Last month eighteen states asked the Supreme Court to hear this case, and on Tuesday the Court accepted the case.

According to David Cortman, Senior Counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom,

The administration has no business forcing citizens to choose between making a living and living free. We trust the Supreme Court will agree. A government that forces any citizen to participate in immoral acts–like the use of abortion drugs–under threat of crippling fines is a government everyone should fear.

The Supreme Court will determine if the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Action protect the choices of the owners of Conestoga Wood Specialties:

Petitioners, a family of five Mennonites and their closely-held, family-run woodworking corporation, object as a matter of conscience to facilitating contraception that may prevent the implantation of a human embryo in the womb, and therefore brought this case seeking review of the Mandate under the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993.

The Supreme Court will hear this case at the same time as the Hobby Lobby case and have allotted one hour for oral arguments in both cases.

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