Kansas Governor Sam Brownback just signed into state law a bill that bans the “dismemberment” abortion method known as the D&E: dilation and evacuation. It is the first ban of its kind in the nation.
While abortion is always a violent and grisly procedure, the D&E is especially so. These abortions are typically performed in the second trimester, and the baby is literally ripped apart limb by limb. It is so horrific that, when the technique was first refined, a paper spoke of the emotional distress it caused for the doctors who performed it.
Of course, the abortion lobby is furious over the ban. Senator David Haley compared the ban to slavery; Planned Parenthood called it “dangerous” and “outrageous”.
Kansas’s new law could restrict access to one of the most common & safest methods of abortion. Dangerous. Outrageous. http://t.co/lEDY2VLgtl
— Planned Parenthood (@PPact) April 8, 2015
But perhaps the most offensive reaction to the ban was that of Dr. David Grimes at RH Reality Check. Grimes’ response was to compare pregnancy to cancer:
Rather glib, eh? To Grimes, a preborn baby is just a problem to be taken care of, and a violent D&E abortion is the solution. And apparently, a preborn baby is just like cancer. Abortion, a procedure that always, always takes a life, is the same thing as a procedure that is sometimes necessary to save a life.
Those are some impressive mental gymnastics.
It’s worth pointing out, however, that there’s a little problem with the cognitive dissonance Grimes is enjoying. Pregnancy is nothing like cancer — it doesn’t just swoop down and mysteriously happen to unsuspecting women the way that cancer does. Women who are diagnosed with cancer have no choice in whether or not they get it; there isn’t an action they take that they know could lead to becoming afflicted with cancer.
For the overwhelming majority of women who become pregnant, though, it happens because of an action that they willfully chose. As much as abortion advocates like to talk about being “pro-choice,” they like to ignore that most women who become pregnant chose to take that risk. It is offensive in the extreme to compare an unplanned pregnancy to cancer.
Cancer is a disease that will spread through a person’s body and slowly, painfully take their life. A baby comes into being due to the actions that two people choose to take, and is the beginning of a new life. It also says a lot about how much the abortion lobby needs to dehumanize the preborn child, and attack its very existence (how dare that baby come into being through absolutely no fault of his or her own?!) in order to justify their arguments.
The two, cancer and pregnancy, could not be more different, yet abortion advocates have no problem with shamelessly trotting out this despicable comparison in order to further their pro-abortion agenda. And yet they want to call pro-lifers the extremists? Please.