Monica Snyder, executive director of Secular Pro-Life, recently responded to a common pro-abortion claim that preborn children are nothing more than “parasites.”
“The fetus is literally a parasite,” argues a woman playing the part of a pro-abortion activist.
Snyder’s response immediately shows the twisted logic being used to claim that human beings are equivalent to parasites. “You think humans reproduce via parasitism?” she asks.
The pro-abortion response is, “The fetus is a foreign entity that’s tricking the host into accepting and not attacking it.”
Snyder’s response points to the truth of reproduction. “Why ‘tricking’ the host? Why not ‘communicating’ with the host? You make it sound like we have a biological imperative to not reproduce. Do you believe that pregnancy that results in the live birth of a healthy infant is a failure?” Snyder asked. “I’m not talking about wantedness. I’m talking about biology. You think successful reproduction, the live birth of healthy children, is our body’s failure to defend against invaders?”
The video then shifts the discussion to miscarriage.
“What does the ‘fetus is a parasite’ nonsense mean for miscarriage?” Snyder asks.
The other woman states, “Miscarriage is a really good example actually. Our bodies recognize the embryos are invaders and we expel them. Why else would miscarriage be so common?”
Snyder explains, “Miscarriage is more likely to happen if there is a problem with reproduction, often a genetic anomaly with the embryo making him or her not viable, but could also be uterine problems such as undiagnosed fibroids or another maternal health conditions such as an acute infection. Miscarriage is the result of things going wrong — and for the record, it is unbelievably ignorant for you to describe miscarriage as some kind of success story.”
The pro-abortion response: “I’m not saying miscarriage is great. I’m saying it demonstrates the adversarial relationship between pregnant women and embryos.”
Snyder argues, “You’re mouthing off to [parents who have lost children] about how our bodies were just way better at defeating our parasitic children than the bodies of parents who got to bring their newborn babies home. Feel free — feel encouraged, actually, to privately educate yourself about these issues before you try to fit an abortion rights narrative.”
Live Action News previously reported on a 2016 scientific study that debunked this claim. “Preborn babies have their own DNA from day one, their own heart and other organs, measurable brainwaves, and can move and respond to stimuli while yet inside the womb,” wrote Live Action News. “Their stem cells have even been found to migrate during pregnancy to help regenerate any damage to their mothers’ hearts. Preborn human beings are not equivalent to parasites or tumors, and aborting them is not equivalent to extracting a tooth….”
To insist that a preborn child is a parasite is pseudo-science nonsense and, as Snyder notes, pro-abortion propaganda meant to confuse the public into thinking the execution of a child in the womb is anything but the intentional killing of a unique human.