Last summer, abortion advocates went wild over a study that “proved” women don’t experience guilt over their abortions, and that they don’t regret their decision to kill their preborn children. This study had major, serious flaws, and while it isn’t talked about nearly as much in pro-abortion circles, the fact is, the majority of medical literature shows that there are clear and obvious negative psychological consequences after abortion.
It’s not uncommon for women to feel guilt and regret — and one post-abortive mother has spoken out, saying she not only regrets her abortion, but says she believes women who experience unplanned or crisis pregnancies should keep their babies.
The author says she regrets not having any children, and feels pain every time she sees kids laughing or playing… and these feelings are worse for her because she has had two abortions:
My two closest friends and I have gone through the same thing, and when we get together all we do is sip wine and laugh at how our lives have turned out. Each of us say that had we known how empty our lives would have been now without a child, we would have brought ours into the world.
… This guilty feeling is why I decided to talk about my biggest regret. Young women need to hear from people like me who have walked in their shoes, did what we were told, but now are unhappy because of it.
That’s why I firmly believe that as long as a girl is over 18 years old and gets pregnant, she should bring that child. The only reasons I would even consider abortion is if I was raped, or tests show that the baby would be disabled.
… And that is why I take the position that I do on abortions. Avoid them at all cost.
It’s unfortunate that she still thinks babies with disabilities, or those who were conceived as a result of rape, should still be aborted. Her pain is evident; adding more violence and pain to a rape survivor will not help anything. Furthermore, every child has a right to life, regardless of their sex, skin color, or abilities.
That aside, it’s sad that this woman’s experience is likely to be completely ignored by abortion apologists. To them, abortion is a sacred cow which must never be criticized- abortion is only a good thing, it’s always the right decision, and women never experience regret. They will say that abortion will ensure a better future — but does it really? As this woman points out, what you get decades later isn’t worth what you’re sacrificing. But when are women told this? They aren’t told about the physical risks of abortion, and certainly not the psychological risks. Women who have abortions are at higher risk for many mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicidal behavior.
Post-abortion syndrome is real. The regret associated with abortion is real. And despite abortion being presented as a simple solution to an unplanned pregnancy, women will have to live with the decision to have an abortion for the rest of their lives.
The abortion lobby doesn’t want women to hear from post-abortive mothers like this one… but it’s something they need to hear before they decide to kill their preborn children.