On Thursday, The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released its latest undercover video in which Planned Parenthood directors explain in gruesome detail what happens during abortion.
During the 2014 and 2015 National Abortion Federation (NAF) conventions, CMP cameras went undercover, exposing the repulsive comments made by Planned Parenthood medical directors about aborting preborn children. The humanity of these children was directly admitted, but then disregarded. (The full CMP video was removed from YouTube hours after it went up on Thursday, but it can still be viewed here.)
Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist who has performed over 1,200 abortions and who is now a prominent voice in the pro-life movement, explains the procedure of a second trimester surgical (D&E) abortion:
Here’s a side-by-side comparison of the disturbing comments made by Planned Parenthood workers and Dr. Anthony Levatino’s accurate description of a second trimester surgical abortion:
1. Stacey De-Lin, Director of Abortion Services, Planned Parenthood of New York City:
“But we certainly do intact D&Es (dilation and extraction).” [Notably, De-Lin is likely referring to partial-birth abortion, which is illegal federally and in many states. Dr. Levatino’s comments describe a typical D&E, which is the most common second-trimester abortion in the U.S.]
Dr. Anthony Levatino, former abortionist:
“A D&E is performed between 13 and 24 weeks of pregnancy. After administering anesthesia, the abortionist uses a weighted speculum… that opens the vagina widely. Because second trimester babies are so large, this greater access facilitates a late-term abortion. Late-term abortion requires that the cervix be prepared 24-48 hours in advance with laminaria.”
2. Susan Robinson, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte abortionist:
“The fetus is a tough little object, and taking it apart, I mean, taking it apart on day one is very difficult.”
Dr. Anthony Levatino:
“The baby’s bones and skull are too strong to be torn apart by suction alone. …
3. Ann Schutt-Aine, Director of Abortion Services, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast:
“If I’m doing a procedure, and I’m seeing that I’m in fear that it’s about to come to the umbilicus (navel), I might ask for a second set of forceps to hold the body at the cervix, and pull off a leg or two, so it’s not PBA (partial-birth abortion).”
Dr. Anthony Levatino:
“The abortionist uses this clamp to grasp an arm or a leg. Once he has a firm grip, the abortionist pulls hard, in order to tear the limb from the baby’s body.”
4. Deborah Nucatola, Senior Director of Medical Services, Planned Parenthood Federation of America:
“You know, sometimes she’ll tell me she wants a brain, and we’ll, you know, leave the calvarium in ‘til last, and then try to basically take it, or actually, you know, catch everything, and even keep it separate from the rest of the tissue so it doesn’t get lost.”
Dr. Anthony Levatino:
“Usually the most difficult part of the procedure is extracting the baby’s head, which is about the size of a large plum at 20 weeks. The head is grasped and crushed. The abortionist knows he has crushed the skull when a white substance comes out of the cervix – this was the baby’s brains. The abortionist then removes skull pieces.”
5. Susan Robinson:
“You go in there, and you go, ‘Am I getting the uterus, or the fetus? Oh good, fetus. [stabbing sound effect] What have I got? Nothing. Let’s try again.”
Dr. Anthony Levatino:
“He removes the placenta and any leftover parts of the baby with a curette, scraping the lining of the uterus for any remaining tissue.”
“The abortionist then collects the baby parts and reassembles them to make sure that there are two arms, two legs, and all the pieces. Once all the parts have been accounted for, the abortion is complete.”
Planned Parenthood claims to advocate for women’s health care, but this video proves otherwise. Planned Parenthood, along with other NAF abortion providers, isn’t in the business of quality health care, it’s in the business of selling abortions.