(Life Site News) As the United States struggles to navigate the medical, social, and economic hardships of the response to COVID-19, the nation’s largest abortion chain is preparing to devote large sums of money to spread the message that it is the true victim.
NBC News reported that Planned Parenthood Action Fund is rolling out a $5 million “accountability” campaign to pepper Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Wisconsin – most of which are battleground states for the November elections – with radio, internet, and snail mail advertising on state efforts to either continue or suspend abortions as part of COVID-19 emergency measures.
The campaign is only the first part of the abortion giant’s election-season messaging related to the coronavirus, with Vice President of State Policy and Advocacy Rachel Sussman describing it as a “starting point to help connect the dots for people” between public-health decrees and abortion “access.”
Advice from medical authorities has led many governors to order the temporary suspension of all or most “non-urgent” health appointments and elective medical procedures, both to limit the spread of COVID-19 and to free up time and resources to focus on infected patients. Some have expressly included surgical abortions, to the abortion industry’s chagrin.
READ: Abortion giant Planned Parenthood seeks PPE donations during COVID-19 pandemic
Planned Parenthood, which killed 345,672 preborn children last year while receiving more than $616 million from the federal government, has bitterly denounced those restrictions and sued for an exemption from the same compromises that actual medical fields across the country have accepted.
But pro-lifers argue that these “safe, home abortions” run the risk of placing additional, unnecessary strain on the healthcare system.
“Elective abortion, both surgical and drug-induced, also generates more patients to be seen in already overburdened emergency rooms,” the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) says. “Most abortion providers instruct women to go to an emergency room if they have any concerning symptoms after the abortion. Approximately five percent of women who undergo medication abortions will require evaluation in an emergency room, most commonly for hemorrhage. Surgical abortions can also result in hemorrhage. Emergency room personnel – who are already struggling to meet the demands of the COVID-19 pandemic – will be further strained to provide care to these women.”
Editor’s Note: This article was published at Life Site News and is reprinted here with permission.
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