Most people believe that the modern world is more civilized than it was thousands of years ago, when, as part of a human sacrifice to a false god, firstborn children were burnt alive in order to ensure financial prosperity, a good harvest, and a secure future.
The Book of Deuteronomy in the 12th Chapter, 31st verse, says: “You shall not behave thus toward the LORD your God, for every abominable act which the LORD hates they have done for their gods; for they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods.”
Although the Canaanite deity Molech is no longer being appeased by child sacrifice, every day the gods of convenience, selfishness, and moral depravity are placated with the burnt offerings of abortion and filicide.

Hyphernkemberly Dorvilier
Sadly, filicide, the act of a parent killing his offspring, is exactly what happened in Pemberton Township, New Jersey, when a 22-year-old woman named Hyphernkemberly Dorvilier exercised her right to dispose of a baby. Miss Dorvilier doused the tiny body of her own child in a flammable substance, set it on fire, and then left the infant in flames lying in the middle of the road.
Neighbor Dave Joseph and his wife witnessed the incident. After she stepped out of her car, the young mother told the couple she was there to burn dog feces. Joseph said that as she committed the heinous act, Dorvilier’s “demeanor was calm” and she appeared as if “she knew what she was doing.”
When Joseph’s wife realized what was happening, and began to scream, Hyphernkemberly attempted to flee, leaving the child smoldering in the street. Before she could escape, the woman was apprehended by witnesses.
After the police arrived and the fire was extinguished, the small baby who was suffering with second- and third-degree burns all over its frail body, was flown to St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia, where the infant died.

St Christopher’s Hospital in Philadelphia . Source:
Charged with one count of murder, Dorvilier is now being held in Burlington County Corrections and Work Release Center, with her bail set at $500,000.
To the civilized, it’s hard to comprehend how anyone, let alone a mother, could commit such an atrocity.
The question now is whether Hypernkemberly is mentally deranged or just a woman of the same ilk as those who dispose of newborns in dumpsters, place them in garbage bags on the curb, or leave their young in trash bins.
Regardless of Miss Dorvilier’s motivation, drenching a child in a flammable liquid and then setting a living human being on fire is yet another sign of a society suffering from a depraved indifference to life — a culture where, regardless of whether the reason is insanity or excessive self-regard, treating children worse than dog feces has become a commonplace occurrence.