Abortion Pill

The way this New York City abortion business lies to women will shock you

lies, lying, abortion business, New York

An abortion business in New York City is lying to women about their pregnancies, the development of their babies, and abortion in the first trimester. Unbelievably, Early Options claims to offer a “natural” abortion method and leads women to believe that they aren’t actually pregnant during the first six to eight weeks of pregnancy. Each of these claims is a lie meant to manipulate women into undergoing abortions they may not want.

Lying about fetal development

The Early Options abortion business tells women that a “pregnancy is considered early if you’ve missed a period or two.” But in fact, the average woman will become pregnant about two weeks after her period if she ovulates. If she misses her next period and is pregnant, she is two weeks pregnant post-fertilization (four weeks after her last menstrual period). If she misses a second period, she is six weeks pregnant post-fertilization (eight weeks after her last menstrual period). Early Options claims that during these six weeks post-fertilization “your body is primarily preparing for pregnancy and it’s too soon to tell if it is viable.” (emphasis added) This is false.

The implantation of the human embryo in the lining of the uterus typically occurs an average of nine days after fertilization. But even before implantation, the body has recognized that a new human life is present.

According to the Endowment for Human Development (EHD), within 24-48 hours after fertilization, “pregnancy can be confirmed by detecting a hormone called ‘early pregnancy factor,’ or EPF, in the mother’s blood.” EPF prevents “the mother’s immune system from rejecting the soon-to-be implanted embryo and allows pregnancy to proceed.” This means that before this new life has even implanted in her mother’s uterus, she is already sending signals to her mother’s body that she is a baby and not a foreign object to be expelled.

Yet, Early Options is telling women that even six weeks later, when her child is implanted in the uterus and has a beating heart, eyes, and finger buds, her body is still “primarily preparing” to be pregnant. Science tells us that a woman’s body is preparing for pregnancy in those two weeks between her period and ovulation. She is pregnant at the moment of fertilization. By lying to women about the stages of pregnancy and their baby’s development, Early Options can more easily persuade women who are undecided about abortion to go through with it — which means more money for the abortion business.

This is a baby at about six to seven weeks post-fertilization.

heartbeat, embryo, preborn

Human embryo, 6-7 weeks post-fertilization. 8-9 weeks since the last menstrual period.


In addition, not knowing if a baby will miscarry or be considered “viable” later in pregnancy because of a medical diagnosis does not make it acceptable to kill that baby.

“The Natural Way”

Early Options is run by Dr. Joan Fleischman, and claims to help women end early pregnancy “the natural way.” Induced abortion, however, is never a natural act. To call it such is a direct insult to women who have suffered the pain and trauma of actual miscarriage and child loss. Early Options lists two methods of the deceptively-labeled “natural” abortion.



The first method of first-trimester abortion offered is SofTouch, a Manual Vacuum Aspiration abortion developed by Fleischman and used in the first trimester to suction the tiny preborn child from the uterus. Early Options lies again to women, claiming this abortion method is “like bringing down your missed period.” Because the risk of miscarriage is higher during these first weeks of pregnancy, Early Options claims that abortion at this time is nothing more than having a late period. This method is approved for use up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

This is a baby at 12 weeks. Children at this age are amazingly developed:

first trimester, pro-life, abortion

A preborn child at 12 weeks gestation

The second option for “natural” first-trimester abortion, according to Early Options, is chemical abortion. Known more commonly as the abortion pill, Early Options claims that this method is a way “to bring about a natural miscarriage in the comfort of their own home.” Again, this is not a natural miscarriage. This is the intentional ending of a pregnancy and the killing of a preborn child.

Abortion and miscarriage are two tragic but vastly different events.

Early Options says the abortion pill blocks the hormones needed for the “pregnancy to develop.” This implies that there is no baby yet; however, by blocking the natural pregnancy hormone progesterone, the first drug of the abortion pill regimen (mifepristone) deprives the developing baby of blood and nutrients and essentially starves the baby to death. It doesn’t prevent a baby from growing but kills the one that is already growing.

Early Options goes on to say that the second drug of the regimen (misoprostol) “causes your uterus to contract and release your missed period.” (emphasis added) This is another lie. Misoprostol causes contractions and women will experience contractions similar to labor, delivering their deceased preborn child. The trauma of seeing that child expelled into a toilet — along with the excessive pain and complications many women experience after taking the abortion pill — should not be misconstrued as a “release” of a normal menstrual period. The abortion pill has actually been found to be four times more dangerous than first-trimester surgical abortion.



Countless women have shared their abortion pill horror stories, relaying details of how it was “so painful” and how they saw “so much blood.” Other women have said, “I thought I was dying,” and “It looked like I was sitting in the middle of a crime scene.” Another woman recounted seeing her dead seven-week-old baby:

Within two hours of taking the second set of pills I had the baby in the toilet. When I turned around there it was in the sack and everything. I broke open the sack and held the helpless little baby in my hand. I cried and felt like I had just murdered someone so innocent.

Abortion pill reversal is sometimes possible, though Early Options doesn’t mention it. Women who have taken the first dose of the abortion pill regimen (mifepristone) and are having regrets should contact Abortion Pill Rescue on the group’s website or at 877-558-0333.

This is not the first time Early Options has lied about pregnancy and fetal development, nor is this abortion business the first to do so in order to increase profits. Planned Parenthood has lied, as have abortion doulas. Some abortion workers have even told women that their 20-week-old preborn children were “tissue.”

20 weeks

Women deserve to know the truth about their babies and the truth about abortion if they are to make informed decisions. Fleischman says, “Sex, at its best, is passionate. Mistakes happen,” but claims it is “important to live a life of gratitude, and not regret.” Yet abortion is one of the biggest regrets many women will have in their lives, and Fleischman doesn’t have the respect or compassion to offer women the truth.

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