Ms. Magazine, which is openly pro-abortion, has sunk to a new low with a new op-ed calling for abortionists to be deified as “human rights defenders.”
Written by Victoria Boydell (a social anthropologist who has previously worked for Planned Parenthood) and Kate Gilmore (the former deputy high commissioner for human rights for the United Nations), the op-ed argues that abortionists are akin to superheroes or saints, constantly coming under attack from evil, violent pro-lifers who want to kill them simply for helping women.
“Around the world, frontline healthcare workers defending our right to sexual and reproductive healthcare services are under vicious attack from anti-rights actors,” they began, continuing with anecdotal comments from abortionists around the world about the violence they face.

Hands and feet of 21-week-old aborted baby.
“[Abortionists]must be protected and fully supported in their workplaces, for both their own and their patients’ safety, as well as for the benefit of the entire health system,” they wrote, adding, “[M]any of those who commit acts of violence against SRHR workers, or those who publicly incite antagonism, largely escape accountability for the consequences of their actions. This means that these human rights defenders continue to live in constant fear of being attacked and prosecuted for providing this essential, life-saving care.”
READ: SHOCK: Abortion complications triple in pro-abortion Pennsylvania
It’s worth noting that abortion is not, by any stretch of the imagination, “life-saving care;” first, in every single abortion, at least one human life is lost. Abortion has also not been found to lower maternal mortality rates, and in fact, has been known to make them worse.
Furthermore, killing another human being can never be considered a human right. The most basic and fundamental right, the one which all other rights rely upon, is each person’s intrinsic right to life. Abortion, in every single circumstance, violates that right. Arguing that abortionists are human rights defenders is like arguing that Hitler was a civil rights activist; it is nonsensical and contradictory.