Warning: This post contains graphic content.
Just like Kermit Gosnell, LeRoy Carhart began performing abortions even before Roe v. Wade was handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court. And just like Gosnell, Carhart has been performing horrific acts against women and babies for decades. In the new Inhuman investigative video, Live Action caught LeRoy Carhart revealing his true thoughts – as well as several lies. The full transcript is a chilling read.
But to get a full picture, before we delve into Carhart’s revelations, we ought to make sure we know exactly whom we’re talking about. Carhart is not your average abortionist. His practice has been riddled with problems for years.
A Dangerous, Blood-Filled, and Problematic Practice
Carhart’s staff members have previously revealed illegal and filthy conditions in his own personal house of horrors:
Two of the unnamed women who assisted in Carhart’s abortions say they started IVs for him even though they are not registered nurses or certified licensed practical nurses, as required by state law.
A third former employee, who was fired about six years ago, also confirmed that she frequently administered medication intravenously although she wasn’t a certified LPN. …
The women also allege that general unclean conditions, including dried blood on surgical instruments, were the norm at Carhart’s center. The women also told of missing narcotics, illicit drug use by employees, and illegal post-viability abortions.
The women worked for Carhart at various times, yet they all made similar, if not identical allegations when interviewed. …
‘One former employee told of incidents where Carhart falsified the gestational age of viable babies in order to circumvent the law.’
Live Action writer Sarah Terzo has previously documented multiple details about LeRoy Carhart’s long and riddled past, including his graphic descriptions of abortions in which he tears babies apart, piece by piece, while he watches their tiny hearts beat on the ultrasound screen.
Instructions given to patients at the clinic where Carhart practices in Maryland – where Jennifer Morbelli met her death, thanks in part to a lack of immediate care by Carhart – included dangerous statements such as “do not go to the ER.”
A document from the 1993 case, Nebraska v. Carhart, revealed:
Carhart also agreed to stop talking on the phone or falling asleep during abortions.
And yet, Martha Shane, one of the makers of the film After Tiller (which portrayed Carhart as a hero), had this to say:
They [these late-term abortionists] ‘provide amazing care by any standard,’ and ‘they’re unbelievably good listeners. This should be a model for all medical care in this country.’
A model for all medical care? Interesting. And even more so when we consider what Carhart revealed to Live Action investigators.
1) Carhart relates unborn babies – many of whom could have survived outside the womb – to amputated limbs and cancerous legs.
When the woman investigator asked about keeping and burying her baby after the abortion, Carhart responded:
Um, if we, if you don’t choose to do that, then we’d send it to be, it goes in with medical, what they call medical body parts, same as if you had an arm amputated at the hospital, or something, cancer in the leg and they have to remove the leg. Then it just gets cremated with that and buried.
Are you hearing this, America? A baby who – in a caring hospital – could have survived birth at this stage, is no different to Carhart from a body part with cancer. And these babies who were undeniably murdered when they could have lived on their own are thrown in piles with amputated limbs and burned to ash.
This is “amazing care by any standard”?
2) Carhart makes an odd offer to begin an abortion at the woman’s home – despite state law prohibiting abortion at this stage.
During the investigation, the woman reveals that she is from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Carhart, apparently familiar with South Dakota, volunteers to begin the abortion at her home that weekend – despite the fact that South Dakota bans elective abortions after 24 weeks (with a health endangerment and life exception), and the woman is measuring at 26 weeks pregnant.
Dr. Carhart: That’s fine, um, we start on Sundays in Sioux Falls. Up, you’re in Sioux Falls.
Woman: You’ll come and home visit?
Dr. Carhart: (Inaudible) I will come to your house and do this, in Sioux Falls. That would be really good, I can’t go over 14 or 16 there. Um, but we um, need to have you start, at 26 weeks, or actually no, we could do Monday morning, if you want to.
While Carhart seems to indicate that he can’t start an abortion after 14-16 weeks in South Dakota, he also states, “I will come to your house and do this,” knowing that the woman is at 26 weeks. And what does he mean by “we start on Sundays in Sioux Falls”? Does he commonly disregard and circumvent state law in the secrecy of women’s homes?
This is “a model for all medical care”?
3) Carhart relates a dead unborn baby in her mother’s womb to meat in a Crock-Pot.
In a highly disturbing analogy, Carhart attempts to explain to the woman why her baby will typically come out of her body easily – after sitting dead in her womb for a couple days during the abortion process:
So it’s like putting meat in a Crock-pot, OK, it doesn’t get, it doesn’t get broke, but it just gets softer…
4) Carhart jokes about breaking a baby’s body apart with “a pickaxe, a drill bit.”
Woman: -for some reason, I’m not able to deliver, you’ll be able to get it out–
Dr. Carhart: We’d take it out in pieces.
Woman: –in pieces.
Dr. Carhart: But that, but that at 26 weeks is very, very rare.
Woman: What do you use to break it up? Just-
Dr. Carhart: A whole bunch of, you know-
Woman: (Laughs) You’ve got a toolkit.
Dr. Carhart: A pickaxe, a drill bit, yeah (laughs).
Woman: I see. OK.
Dr. Carhart: No, there’s all, there’s just instruments that have been developed
Indeed. There have been instruments that have been “developed” for the express purpose of breaking apart the bodies of babies. And in truth, they’re not much different from pickaxes and drill bits – except for their smaller size.
Perhaps this is why Carhart finds it so hilarious to talk about breaking babies’ bodies in this manner: it’s really not too far from the truth. So much for excellent medical care.