
Is Vice President Kamala Harris exploiting miscarriage to promote abortion?


Vice President Kamala Harris is exploiting the tragedy of miscarriage and the loss of a baby in Ohio to advocate for widespread access to abortion on demand.

Harris posted a video to her Instagram page on Thursday in which she discusses the Alabama Supreme Court’s ruling that embryos created through IVF are human children and should be recognized as such under the state’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act. Some IVF clinics in the state immediately ceased operations, though others have said they will continue with IVF procedures while ceasing plans to destroy embryos without parental consent.

“Women have been having miscarriages in toilets in our country, have been denied access to emergency care because of what has been happening. And then, as the governor said most recently, putting access to IVF at risk,” said Harris. “Think about that. Individuals, couples, who want to start a family are now being deprived of access to what can help them start a family. So on the one hand, the proponents are saying that an individual doesn’t have a right to end an unwanted pregnancy. And on the other hand, the individual does not have a right to start a family.”

One person’s rights can never include harming an innocent person

In actuality, what pro-lifers and pro-life laws put forth is that no one has a right to kill an innocent human being because that human being is deemed unwanted or unhealthy. In addition, no one has the right to create human embryos through any means necessary and then allow those human beings to be destroyed by the IVF clinic for not meeting certain pre-determined standards. IVF is shown to destroy embryos at a higher rate than abortion, and many of them are destroyed for having the wrong “grading” or for simply being “leftover.”


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Babies in toilets

“Women have been having miscarriages in toilets in our country, have been denied access to emergency care,” said Harris, who was likely referring to the case of an Ohio woman who was arrested after she delivered a stillborn 22-week baby into her toilet at home, and then tried to plunge the body down the toilet. She had gone into premature labor, and rather than helping her, doctors sent her home, where she gave birth on the toilet. She was charged with abuse of a corpse under Ohio state law (not an abortion-related law), but the media continued to put for the idea that she was arrested for a miscarriage.

Tragically, babies being discarded in toilets is not a new occurrence that can be blamed on pro-life laws. Many women have chosen to leave their babies in toilets or flush them, and cases were documented for more than a decade before the fall of Roe v. Wade.

It’s even standard practice for the abortion industry.

As reported by pro-life watchdog group Operation Rescue, “the toilet delivery method is used by a number of abortionists, including [former] Florida abortionist James Pendergraft.” His clinic was where baby Rowan was delivered alive into a toilet in 2005. Rowan’s mother, Angêle, desperately called for help and tried to save her son, but the abortion worker turned away the ambulance that had arrived after the mother’s friend called for help.

During Live Action’s InHuman investigation at Southwestern Women’s Options in New Mexico, an investigator posing as a late-term abortion patient was instructed to “sit on the toilet” if she went into labor before returning to the facility to complete the abortion.

During that same investigation, an abortion worker at a Bronx, New York, facility was recorded telling a woman having an abortion at 23 weeks that if she went into labor at home during the multi-day procedure to “flush it.”

This is, of course, likely to cause problems, given the size of a child at this gestational age.

Babies aborted by the abortion pill are also frequently flushed down toilets. Christina explained that during her “hell” abortion pill experience, she gave birth to her dead baby on a toilet. “When I turned around, there it was in the sac and everything,” she said. “I broke open the sac and held the helpless little baby in my hand. I cried and felt like I had just murdered someone so innocent. I regretted it 100% after that night.”

Natalia shared a similar story. She took the abortion pill, saying that “the toilet” is where she “passed my baby.” Through tears, she continued:

And I looked down and I — I saw him. It wasn’t like a heavy period. It was like a baby! And I looked down and I just looked up and I just — I can’t look anymore. It’s a child!

Natalia fell to her knees and without thinking, flushed the toilet.

Leslie said she sobbed as she flushed her child down the toilet after taking the abortion pill. And Elizabeth said she sat and held her baby for a while and cried, then, she said, “I flushed my baby down the toilet.”

Emergency care neglected

Harris also claims that following the overturning of Roe, doctors have failed to provide emergency care to pregnant women. News outlets have shared heartbreaking stories of women facing preterm labor, a prenatal diagnosis of their child, and other frightening situations, in order to gain support for abortion on demand.

Yet, these stories do not prove that women are being denied abortion because of the law, but rather that they are being denied proper medical care and their doctors may be guilty of medical malpractice and neglect. As the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) said in a statement, “When extreme medical emergencies that threaten the life of the mother arise (chorioamnionitis or HELLP syndrome could be examples), AAPLOG believes in ‘treatment to save the mother’s life,’ including premature delivery if that is indicated — obviously with the patient’s informed consent. This is NOT ‘abortion to save the mother’s life.’ We are treating two patients, the mother and the baby, and every reasonable attempt to save the baby’s life would also be a part of our medical intervention. We acknowledge that, in some such instances, the baby would be too premature to survive.”

AAPLOG also noted following the overturning of Roe v. Wade, “[E]lective abortion is defined as those drugs or procedures used with the primary intent to end the life of the human being in the womb. Elective abortion is not treatment of a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy nor is it separating the mother and the baby at any gestational age to save a mother’s life. There are no laws in any state in the United States which criminalize treatment of any of these conditions.”

While abortion advocates continue to use specific, emotional cases to argue for abortion — it’s abortion on demand that they want — not abortion in only certain, tragic cases. It’s simple: Pro-lifers don’t want innocent human beings, no matter their stage of life, to be killed.

The DOJ put a pro-life grandmother in jail for protesting the killing of preborn children. Please take 30-seconds to TELL CONGRESS: STOP THE DOJ FROM TARGETING PRO-LIFE AMERICANS.

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