
Ireland: Bus tour will distribute dangerous abortion pill

abortion pill

As part of a public campaign to legalize abortion in Ireland, a group of pro-choice activists plan to defy Irish law next week by driving a bus across the country offering abortion pills to women with unwanted pregnancies.

The tour is being organized by ROSA, a pro-abortion group, which was “initiated by women in the Socialist Party, with the aim of promoting and organizing events, actions and campaigning activity.”

On their website, ROSA details the mission of the tour:

The Abortion Pill Bus… will be defying Ireland’s unjust and dangerous abortion ban. Travelling to Galway, Limerick, Cork and Dublin… the bus will be carrying the Abortion Pills and will provide women with the help they need in this country… to access the healthcare they need.

According to The Sunday Times, organizers of the abortion pill bus “say pregnant women who need access to the pills will be accommodated after undergoing an online consultation with doctors from Women on Web….”

While the planned act of civil disobedience may appeal to those with a pro-abortion outlook, one cannot claim to truly support women’s health without analyzing the obvious dangers of distributing abortion pills without proper medical oversight.

Dr. Sam Coulter Smith, Master of the Rotunda Maternity Hospital, in an interview with RTÉ’s Prime Time said that incorrect administration of the drug could lead to perforation of the uterus, and warned that this has caused women to die. According to The Life Institute, medical experts have clearly stated that it is dangerous to a woman’s health to take the abortion pill unsupervised.

“It is disturbing to see that abortion campaigners are so careless with safeguarding women’s lives,” said Irish pro-life activist Niamh Uí Bhriain. “Sadly, for many abortion extremists, this is about an ideology and not about actually helping women.”

“It’s a real shame to see that so-called women’s rights advocates… seem determined instead to push abortion pills and endanger women’s lives,” she added.

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