According to the Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform UK (CBR UK), abortion advocates in the United Kingdom stood in front of an image of an intact, nine-week old fetus in the womb in order to prevent others from seeing the truth about life in the womb.
The image was displayed in the city of Keswick, with CBR UK stating that children had looked at the image and their parents could be heard explaining that it was a picture of a baby in the womb. But despite the innocence and beauty of the photo, CBR UK said that some deemed it to be offensive.
“You can see the image behind me of a nine-week living human embryo,” said Dave Brennan, Head of Brephos – Church Ministry for CBR UK, in a video. “[…] and many people are finding this the beautiful image that it truly is — and yet others are strangely finding it so offensive. They’re even covering it up. They’re covering it up with a bed sheet.”
Brennan added:
There are people trying to claim that we have no right to be here. People call the image disgusting. People trying to claim that somehow we’re contravening some kind of law by being here or by just showing an image. And there’s a reason for this.
Why is this picture so polarizing? It’s because this picture proves instantly what those in favor of abortion consistently try to deny that what’s in the womb is not just a bunch of cells, not just a blob of tissue. It’s a living human being, precious, amazing, and worthy of protection and the right to life that every one of us enjoys.
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This isn’t the first time that images of a preborn child have sparked controversy in the UK. In 2021, Northern Ireland Councillor Patrick Brown called for the removal of an image of a preborn baby at 10 weeks in the town of Ballynahinch, calling in “insensitive” and “extremely graphic.”
In 2021, 89% of abortions in the UK were committed at or before 10 weeks. In the United States in 2020, 93.1% of abortions were committed at or before 13 weeks. Showing the truth about life inside the womb in the first few weeks destroys the pro-abortion image that aborting a child during this time frame is nothing more than the removal of a group of cells. In reality, abortion at any stage destroys a human life. Blocking photos of that life doesn’t change the science or the truth.
C.S. Lewis wrote, “One of the most cowardly things ordinary people do is to shut their eyes to the facts.” Abortion advocates shut their eyes and work overtime to make sure others stay in the dark about the humanity of the preborn child.