Hollywood wants you to believe abortion is no big deal — and that’s a supposed to be a great thing, according to a new piece published by Time.
Suyin Haynes’ piece, “How a Crop of New Movies is Changing the Narrative about Abortion,” gives an overview of several new and upcoming movies — like Saint Frances, Never Rarely Sometimes Always, Premature, and Swallow — where the violence of abortion is normalized. The idea is to offer a “quotidian, and decidedly human, approach to depicting the procedure and the decisions that lead up to it.”
Yet rather than being truly “human,” these filmmakers give an airbrushed and deeply one-sided presentation about abortion. From vilifying pro-life pregnancy centers (Never Rarely Sometimes) to light-hearted depictions of women taking the abortion pill (Saint Frances and Swallow), to abortion as part of the “character’s journey” (Premature), the films are written and directed by activists consciously seeking to present the grisly abortion procedure in a positive light. For instance, as Haynes notes, for the filmmaker behind Saint Frances “it was important to show Bridget as having complicated feelings about abortion — but also that guilt and regret were not among them.”
READ: The Federalist: Hollywood’s abortion portrayals aren’t ‘honest’ — they’re misleading
For years, abortion activists have been trying to minimize the trauma felt by many post-abortive women, but that does not change the very real pain, trauma, and regret felt by many women — and even men. Every year countless women speak out in groups like Silent No More, and many turn to support groups like Project Rachel for healing. And this kind of testimony is not confined to pro-life cirlcles. In the popular Netflix dating show, “Love is Blind,” contestant Amber Pike recently opened up about her terrible regret and said that another abortion “would destroy me.” What does it mean offer a “decidedly human” portrayal of abortion that ignores this reality?
The sanitized portrayal of abortion that Haynes celebrates also ignores the dangers of abortion, not only to the preborn baby — who almost always dies — but to the many women who suffer at the hands of unscrupulous abortionists. Legal abortion is a violent procedure, and women can experience complications and even death as a result.
Many abortion facilities are notorious for their history of abortion complications and unsanitary conditions, among other problems. And legalized abortion leaves women and girls vulnerable to abuse and trafficking, as abortionists are incentivized to cover up even the most heinous of crimes like child sex abuse and child sex trafficking.
The truth is that these new Hollywood portrayals of abortion are no accident, but rather the result of the well-funded abortion lobby’s concerted efforts. As Live Action News has reported, Planned Parenthood has a full-time Senior Director of Arts and Entertainment Engagement named Caren Spruch. The abortion giant has had considerable success influencing TV and movies in recent years; since 2014, Planned Parenthood has been directly involved in over 150 films.
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