Hillary Clinton raised eyebrows at the EMILY’s List 30th anniversary gala in Washington DC. EMILY’s List is a pro-choice organization that prides itself on “igniting change…[by] getting pro-choice Democratic women elected to office.” The organization oppose all restrictions on abortion and has been vocal in support of late-term and even partial birth abortion in which a child is fully delivered except for their head before being killed by inserting a sharp object at the base of the skull. In 2002, EMILY’s List wrote off supporting Democrat Mary Landrieu after she voted against partial birth abortion despite an other long record of supporting other abortion procedures.
According to Stephanie Schriock, the group’s president, Grandma Hillary was feted with the ‘We Are EMILY Award’ for her leadership “as a fighter for women and families.’”
The former Secretary of State had attention grabbing word choice when she commended the audience, referring to the group as a “room full of women and men who recognize the importance of making sure that all of our people have a chance to live up to their God-given potential.”
Hillary then played the Grandma Card, saying that the glow she had was not from high blood pressure resulting from being embroiled in an email scandal, but instead, from “a six months in…grandmother glow,” which she told the group is “better than any spa treatment…I highly recommend it.”
Wait! Who exactly is Hillary recommending give birth?
Clearly, Grandma Clinton doesn’t recognize the dichotomy she poses when she advocates for of most barbaric abortions while simultaneously recommending EMILY’s List daughters give birth to grandchildren.
Either way, Hillary “ignited change” at a death-affirming function for a 30-year-old group that works hard to promote feticide. While there Mrs. Clinton referenced the Creator and applauded the “God-given potential” of mothers who chose to deny 53 million children their God-given right to life.
And to drive the point home, at a gala for an organization that believes in aborting 3,000 Charlottes a day, Hillary Clinton confused the issue by referencing her own six-month-old grand baby Charlotte who, unlike the babies a glowing Hillary approves of aborting, made it out of Chelsea’s womb alive.